Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Relationship Between Hero And Her Eventual Suitor
In this passage, the reader is exposed to two distinct categories of relationships, one of which being the relationship between Hero and her eventual suitor which is a type of relationship borne out of necessity and social conformity. Both Anthony’s and Leonato’s statements in this passage support this traditional ideal of marriage and love by dictating to Hero her answer in regards to the impending proposal from whom Hero’s family believes to be Don Pedro rather than granting her the power of choice. Anthony blatantly assumes that Hero will adhere to the course of action her father wishes saying, â€Å"Well, niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father†(2.1.42-43). If Hero is being â€Å"ruled†by the desires of her father, it makes her decision to say yes one of necessity in that she must give the answer of her father and not that in her own heart for fear of some sort of retribution. Leonato later reinforces this notion about relationships in stating, â€Å"Daughter remember what I told you. If the Prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer†(2.1.56-57). Alone this statement is somewhat vague leaving it available to some interpretation, one of which being that Leonato is reassuring Hero that she discovered the response that best fits her desires in a conversation held offstage and that she should not second guess herself. However, if this reminder is applied within the context of Anthony’s previous statement it takes on a different meaning that reinforces thisShow MoreRelatedCold Mountain/The Odyssey Comparison1237 Words  | 5 PagesOdyssey, illustrates the journey home made by Odysseus, a Trojan war hero, who seeks his wife Penelope. Similar in plot, though written only four years ago, Cold Mountain is a romantic saga which depicts the travels of Inman, a Confederate soldier, at his attempt to reunite with his love Ada. Homer s The Odyssey and Charles Frazier s Cold Mountain tell of the struggles faced by the man and woman of each novel s relationship. Although these works are written thousands of years apart, both incorporateRead More The Significance of the Host/Guest Relationship in The Odyssey1896 Words  | 8 Pages and revenge on his wifes suitors. While many themes run through this poem, the most prevalent is that of hospitality. The Host-Guest relationship is significant in the Odyssey as it acts as one of the main thematic devices used by Homer and examples of good hospitality versus bad hospitality and their results serve as the main plot elements throughout the tale. The Host/Guest relationship, also known as the Guest-Friendship relationship was a complex relationship based on a series of ambiguousRead More Compare and Contrast the Divine Machinery of Odyssey and Aeneid3322 Words  | 14 Pagesand are very active in passing judgement. No god supports the suitors or the Ithacan crew. Odysseus, the righteous man receives divine support since he is a man worthy of it. Not so in the Aeneid, where Juno supports the enemies of the Trojans, with such men as the dastardly Mezentius. In the Odyssey, destiny is ones own responsibility; instead of leaving all things up to fate, the characters have a significant influence upon his or her own existence. Whilst occasional prophecies punctuate the literaryRead MoreHomer s The Odyssey And Virgil s ÂÅ ¹ The Aeneid1295 Words  | 6 Pagesmen, Homer employs the use of hubris with his protagonist, Odysseus, while Virgil utilizes the trait of pietas with his protagonist, Aeneas. A comparative analysis of the heroes in their reactions to the mythical creatures they encounter, their relationships with the women they love, and their ultimate purposes in seeking passage to the underworld demonstrate the differences in their fatal character flaws. In both The Odyssey and The Aeneid, the heroes are on separate journeys to ultimately find theirRead MoreEssay on The Odyssey21353 Words  | 86 PagesThe Odyssey Set in ancient Greece, The Odyssey is about the hero Odysseus long-awaited return from the Trojan War to his homeland, Ithaca, after ten years of wandering. The current action of The Odyssey occupies the last six weeks of the ten years, and the narrative includes many places - Olympus, Ithaca, Pylos, Pherae, Sparta, Ogygia, and Scheria. In Books 9-12, Odysseus narrates the story of his travels in the years after the fall of Troy, and this narrative includes other far-flungRead MoreBeauty And The Beautiful Beast : A Discussion Of Gender Roles And Abusive Relationships1822 Words  | 8 Pagespremise of Stephenie Meyer’s popular novel Twilight involves a romance between two teens: Bella Swan, who is seventeen, and Edward Cullen, who is also seventeen, but has been that age for over 100 years because he also just so happens to also be a vampire. Though their romance has been described as desirable by many who have read the book, and has even been compared to Romeo and Juliet, it has also been argued that the relationship between the two lovers is much unhealthier than it seems on the surfaceRead MoreEssay On The Princess Who Stood By Jeane Desy1419 Words  | 6 Pagesstory The Princess Who Stood on Her Own Two Feet with the 1998 Disney film Mulan, two revisionist fairy tales. In terms of tackling patriarchal biases, the latter proves to be the better revision due to its female characterization, defiance of gender roles , and protagonist goals and ambitions. To begin, The Princess Who Stood and Mulan both center on two female characters and their experiences in a patriarchal world. However, this is where the similarities between these two characters ends. FirstlyRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, And A Rose For Emily1643 Words  | 7 PagesLiberation from sort of oppressive force is a key theme in many forms of art, especially literature. It gives the audience a celebratory feeling of escapism when the hero succeeds that may be fulling to many readers. However, centering the entire story around theme of entrapment can also utilized as an obstacle for a protagonist to overcome. Very rarely do authors revolve their entire stories around this idea, often because it is difficult to make a crowd pleasing and optimistic piece of fictionRead More Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidneys Sonnet Sequence2061 Words  | 9 Pagesfirst kiss from Stella whilst she is asleep the male protagonist worries about her reaction lest she sh ould find out, but later on chides himself for not taking advantage of the situation. He then goes on to recount how he is filled with hopes one minute and despair the next, whilst trying in vain to pursue her. In constantly being refused, he feels angered and offends her but does not wait too long before trying to seduce her yet again. After a few more refusals he is moved to desperation, evoking hisRead MoreGreek Mythology8088 Words  | 33 Pages in addition to its multiple versions. The Greek gods resembled human beings in their form and in their emotions, and they lived in a society that resembled human society in its levels of authority and power. However, a crucial difference existed between gods and human beings: Humans died, and gods were immortal. Heroes also played an important role in Gr eek mythology, and stories about them conveyed serious themes. The Greeks considered human heroes from the past closer to themselves than were the immortal gods
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Impact Of Technology On Children s Technological...
Summary Today’s world is imaginative, expressive, creative, fast, adaptive and crazy. All these features which are a part of mankind, are the gift of technology. Technology today is almost dependent on internet for everything. Every human is connected, his thoughts are exposed and intentions are revealed easily. Customized search options, fast search engines, 24 hrs. chatting sites, open blogs and viral content is actually becoming the major reason for the children’s technological development. Today every child is smart and tech savvy. But where are we heading towards? Thousands of sites on the internet are filled with the adult and offensive content. Every day thousands of children are forced to enter the devilish field of pornography and†¦show more content†¦Specially using children as resources to earn money on internet is a brutal act. In the article, he is putting forth all the details of those internet providers, who have decided to ban pornography on their serve rs. The list is long and this is good news, that society is trying to curb all the evil practices and those who feel the same have joined the force. The society is trying to stop the sexual predators and give a fresh lease of life to the children who are exploited online (McVeigh 2015). The author clearly explains that there is no need of police on internet, but if we have a conscience and we are doing according to it, then we are right. The social biggies like Facebook and others, have promised to provide their support on this. As an individual, he makes our responsibility clear that we should not encourage any such content and remember that our contribution is equally important in the battle against the pornography devil. There are more sweeter and beautiful things to see in this world rather than this heinous crime. My view I completely relate to the author and feel that our humanity is somewhere getting dissolved every day. We are removing all the bad qualities in ourselves and making the devil come out. All the evil practices happening in this world is due to absence of fear of God and lack of conscience. Today’s technology is not being utilized as means of education or knowledge,
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board Accounting Essay Free Essays
MFRS 101-Presentation of Financial Statements prescribes the footing for presentation of general purpose fiscal statements to guarantee comparison both with the entity ‘s fiscal statements of old periods and with the fiscal statements of other entities. It sets out overall demands for the presentation of fiscal statements, guidelines for their construction and minimal demands for their content. Purpose of fiscal statements Fiscal statements are a structured representation of the fiscal place and fiscal public presentation of an entity. We will write a custom essay sample on The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board Accounting Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The aim of fiscal statements is to supply information about the fiscal place, fiscal public presentation and hard currency flows of an entity that is utile to a broad scope of users in doing economic determinations. Fiscal statements besides show the consequences of the direction ‘s stewardship of the resources entrusted to it. A complete set of fiscal statements comprises: ( a ) a statement of fiscal place as at the terminal of the period ( B ) a statement of comprehensive income for the period ( degree Celsius ) a statement of alterations in equity for the period ( vitamin D ) a statement of hard currency flows for the period ( vitamin E ) notes, consisting a sum-up of important accounting policies and other explanatory information ( degree Fahrenheit ) a statement of fiscal place as at the beginning of the predating period when an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or makes a retrospective restatement of points in its fiscal statements, or when it reclassifies points in its fiscal statements. An entity may utilize rubrics for the statements other than those used in this Standard. For illustration, an entity may utilize the rubric ‘statement of comprehensive income ‘ alternatively of ‘statement of net income or loss and other comprehensive income ‘ . Statement of fiscal place Information to be presented in the statement of fiscal place. As a lower limit, the statement of fiscal place shall include line points that present the undermentioned sums: ( a ) belongings, works and equipment ; ( B ) investing belongings ; ( degree Celsius ) intangible assets ; ( vitamin D ) fiscal assets ( excepting sums shown under ( vitamin E ) , ( H ) and ( I ) ) ; ( vitamin E ) investings accounted for utilizing the equity method ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) biological assets ; ( g ) stock lists ; ( H ) trade and other receivables ; ( I ) hard currency and hard currency equivalents ; ( J ) the sum of assets classified as held for sale and assets included in disposal groups classified as held for sale in conformity with MFRS 5 Non-current Assetss Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations ; ( K ) trade and other payables ; ( cubic decimeter ) commissariats ; ( m ) fiscal liabilities ( excepting sums shown under ( K ) and ( cubic decimeter ) ) ; ( N ) liabilities and assets for current revenue enhancement, as defined in MFRS 112 Income Taxes ; ( O ) deferred revenue enhancement liabilities and deferred revenue enhancement assets, as defined in MFRS 112 ; ( P ) liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale in conformity with MFRS 5 ; ( Q ) non-controlling involvements, presented within equity ; and ( R ) issued capital and militias attributable to proprietors of the parent An entity shall clearly place each fiscal statement and the notes. In add-on, an entity shall expose the undermentioned information conspicuously, and repetition it when necessary for the information presented to be apprehensible: ( a ) the name of the coverage entity or other agencies of designation, and any alteration in that information from the terminal of the predating coverage period ; ( B ) whether the fiscal statements are of an single entity or a group of entities ; ( degree Celsius ) the day of the month of the terminal of the coverage period or the period covered by the set of fiscal statements or notes ; ( vitamin D ) the presentation currency, as defined in MFRS 121 ; and ( vitamin E ) the degree of rounding used in showing sums in the fiscal statement. Current/non-current differentiation An entity shall show current and non-current assets, and current and non-current liabilities, as separate categorizations in its statement of fiscal place in conformity with except when a presentation based on liquidness provides information that is dependable and more relevant. When that exclusion applies, an entity shall show all assets and liabilities in order of liquidness. Current assets An entity shall sort an plus as current when: ( a ) it expects to gain the plus, or intends to sell or devour it, in its normal operating rhythm. ( B ) it holds the plus chiefly for the intent of trading. ( degree Celsius ) it expects to gain the plus within 12 months after the coverage period. ( vitamin D ) the plus is hard currency or a hard currency equivalent ( as defined in MFRS 107 ) unless the plus is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least 12 months after the coverage period. An entity shall sort all other assets as non-current. Current liabilities An entity shall sort a liability as current when: ( a ) it expects to settle the liability in its normal operating rhythm ; MFRS 101 ( B ) it holds the liability chiefly for the intent of trading ; ( degree Celsius ) the liability is due to be settled within 12s months after the coverage period ; or ( vitamin D ) it does non hold an unconditioned right to postpone colony of the liability for at least years after the coverage. Footings of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, consequence in its colony by the issue of equity instruments do non impact its categorization. An entity shall sort all other liabilities as non-current, Statement of alterations in equity Information to be presented in the statement of alterations in equity. An entity shall show a statement of alterations in equity. The statement of alterations in equity includes the undermentioned information demoing in the statement: ( a ) entire comprehensive income for the period, demoing individually the entire sums attributable to proprietors of the parent and to non-controlling involvements ; ( B ) for each constituent of equity, the effects of retrospective application or retrospective restatement recognised in conformity with MFRS 108 ; ( vitamin D ) for each constituent of equity, a rapprochement between the transporting sum at the beginning and the terminal of the period, individually unwraping alterations ensuing from: ( I ) net income or loss ; ( two ) each point of other comprehensive income ; and ( three ) minutess with proprietors in their capacity as proprietors, demoing separately parts by and distributions to proprietors and alterations in ownership involvements in subordinates that do non ensue in a loss of control. Information to be presented in the statement of alterations in equity or in the notes. For each constituent of equity an entity shall show, either in the statement of alterations in equity or in the notes, an analysis of other comprehensive income by point. An entity shall show, either in the statement of alterations in equity or in the notes, the sum of dividends recognised as distributions to proprietors during the period, and the related sum of dividends per portion. How to cite The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board Accounting Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Bruce Dawe Apology for Impatience Essay Example For Students
Bruce Dawe Apology for Impatience Essay Apology for Impatiencefor Gloria. On first reading, this poem seems quite incomprehensible. Out of context, the poem appears to be about love and relationships. Apology for Impatience was written in 1963 (wife dead?) and it was written for Gloria, his wife. Dawe rarely uses a first person persona and it is through his use of the first person persona and the fact that it was written for his wife, that leads me to believe that Dawe was not just making a comment on love, but on his love for Gloria. Dawe, when asked What good, finally, does publishing, going public, do? replied If we are lonely then it will help us recognize that we are not alone in our loneliness. If we are hopeful, or angry, or loving, or sad, then it will help us see these as universal experiences that proclaim us human It is through the context of the relationship Dawe had with Gloria, and this quote that transformed my understanding of his poem Apology for Impatience. Transforming from that of a poem about a relationship, to a poem intended as a far ewell (or preventing a farewell) and an expression of the inexpressible lost love. The poem is free verse. Dawe uses the flow of the stanzas to reflect the recurrent image of growth; this image is reinforced by the metaphors of plants and nature used in the poem. The stanzas seem to be heading nowhere, but they are always moving forward. This reflects the growth of the personas character and the growth of the love throughout the poem. Beans, beans are climbing, climbing is a metaphor for his love and for the development of his character. Incomplete, not having reached their full potential but ever growing. Lying hunched in darkness represents the lack of direction and loss of hope, it is a critical point in the relationship, he is fearful of an end to the relationship. It shows how lonely he is in this time of uncertainty. Dawe may be reflecting on his past, or he may visualize the future as bleak should the relationship take a turn for the worse. Natures blossoming and sprouting reinforces love throughout the poem. The beauty of nature is a reflection on his marriage to Gloria and the beauty she has held throughout her lifetime. Even waking suggests the eternal nature of her beauty and his love for her. A rainbow is symbolic of a promise; Dawe is making a biblical allusion where God gave man the rainbow as a promise that he would never flood the world again. The rainbow in the poem appears where the persona (Dawe) is away from her (Gloria), at the office or in the garden. This rainbow is a symbol of a promise that the times Lying hunched in darkness are over. It could also represent t he promise of marriage. Life, life cries my blood here Dawe is expressing how he would not have life without her. He is longing for her. The sound of my thirty-three years to hear his years, shows the reader that the events described are in the past and that the poem is a reflection. Drumming links back to the impatience described in the title, his emotion are like a monsoon flooding, the reader questions whether his monsoon of emotion has come too late for Gloria. There are many images in the poem of Blossoming, sprouting, climbing and growing but there are none that represent contentment, maturity or a sense of finality, the poem itself ends before it is completed. The last two lines of the poem come the closest to expressing his love for her, but whatever has happened to her has caused the growth of: the poem, his character and his love to end before they had reached maturity. .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .postImageUrl , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:hover , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:visited , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:active { border:0!important; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:active , .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754 .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uacd930ee84e4d577c8c88278d3e9e754:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Thirty Years War EssayIt is through the experiences of the persona, and the context of Dawes life. That transforms my belief from, the poem is just about love, to, the poem is about lost love, loneliness, dashed hopes and living each day so that there will be nothing to apologize for tomorrow. Bibliography:
Friday, November 29, 2019
301 Redirect WordPress Step-by-Step Guide to Create Redirects
Whether you’re changing the URL of a single page or migrating to a completely new domain, learning the ins and outs of the 301 redirect WordPress rules can help improve your site’s user experience and safeguard your sites SEO health.Here, we have distilled the process of 301 redirects in WordPress into an easy-to-follow tutorial.You can implement this nifty maintenance feature at the page or domain level in just a few minutes. Pass on link equity if you change a URLs page or remove/combine an existing page as part of a content audit.Take users to a functional page instead of displaying a 404 error.Change your WordPress sites domain without losing all your hard-won SEO rankings.Tell the Google crawler a page has been permanently moved.301 redirects vs 302 redirectsAlthough five different types of redirects existâ€â€301, 302, 303, 307, and 308â€â€301 and 302 are the most commonly used.301 A 301 redirect in WordPress is a permanent redirect. It permanently points b oth Google bots and a site’s visitors to the new page.302 A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect. It does not redirect Google bots and thus does not pass on link equity. It only redirects the URL’s human visitors to the new page.Because of the way Google’s crawlers â€Å"read†these types of redirects, 301 is the preferred method of re-routing traffic to a new URL if youre making a permanent switch because it preserves as much of your SEO efforts as possible.A 302 redirect is helpful if you need to temporarily funnel traffic to a different page during times of maintenance or constructionâ€â€but it should be used sparingly, and with the understanding that it won’t transfer SEO benefitsHow to set up a 301 redirect in WordPressAs with most tasks in WordPress, there are many ways of setting up a 301 redirect. You can use a 301 redirect WordPress plugin, your sites .htaccess file, Yoast SEO, and even straight PHP. The .htaccess file and redirection plugins are, however, some of the most accessible options.Method one: Use the Redirection WordPress plugin for page-level 301 redirectsThe free Redirection WordPress plugin is great for setting a 301 redirect in WordPress on the page level. That is, redirecting yoursite.com/old-page to yoursite.com/new-page.For domain-level redirects, youre better off using the .htaccess method that well show you in the next section. Redirection Author(s): John GodleyCurrent Version: 4.4.2Last Updated: September 29, 2019redirection.4.4.2.zip 86%Ratings 19,796,876Downloads WP 4.8+Requires To get started, install and activate the plugin from WordPress.org. Then, go to Tools - Redirection to run the plugins setup wizard.Once you go through the short setup wizard, click the Add New button in the Redirects tab to create your first redirect.Youll see four settings heres how to configure them:Source URL enter the original URL that you want to redirect. I.e. when someone visits this page, theyll be redirected to a different page.Query Parameters leave this as the default.Target URL this is the new URL that you want to take visitors to. I.e. if someone visits the source URL, theyll be taken to this URL.Group this just helps you organize your redirects. Its fine to leave it as the default. Or, you can use the Groups tab to create a new group if you want to organize your different redirects.Then, click Add Redirect to complete the setup.If your page doesn’t seem to redirect at this point, clear your cached data and the redirect should start showing up.Method two: Use .htaccess to add 301 redirect in WordPressIf you’re migrating a domain, using your WordPress sites .htaccess file to set up the 301 redirect is the most efficient option. You can also use your .htaccess file to set up page-level redirects, though its not as convenient as the plugin method.To get started, youll need to connect to your sites server to edit your .htaccess file. You have two options:Connect to your server via FTP.Use cPanels built-in File Manager tool, which is what were using below.1. Locate your .htaccess fileTo modify the code in your site’s .htaccess file, first log in to your server’s cPanel dashboard and look for the File Manager tool:Then, you can find the .htaccess file in the root folder of your site. You can also search for it by name:2. Back up your .htaccess contentThis next step is crucial. The .htaccess document could affect the functionality of your website if not handled correctly. Before making any changes to this file, make sure you have backed up the original by right-clicking the file name and selecting â€Å"Download†.3. Add the 301 redirection codeOnce you have saved the file to your machine, select the â€Å".htaccess†file and click â€Å"Edit†. Alternatively, you can right-click on the file and select the â€Å"Edit†option there. To move on to the next step, click â €Å"Edit†in the dialogue box that appears.In the text editor, youll want to add one of the following code snippets depending on your needs:Redirect a single page to another page:Redirect 301 /old-page.html http://www.example.com/new-page.htmlMake sure to replace the example URLs with the URLs of the actual pages you want to redirect.Redirect entire domain name to another domain name:This code snippet will send visitors to the same URL slug at a new domain name. E.g. oldsite.com/example-post goes to newsite.com/example-postRewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?:www\.)oldsite\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ http://newsite.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]Make sure to replace the example domain names with your actual old and new domain names.After editing the .htaccess file, save it and your redirect should be functioning seamlessly.Conclusion best practicesIf you are doing a domain to domain redirect, make sure that the new page is similar to the original.The content should reflect at least 70% of what was on the old page in order to minimize damage to your page’s SEO scoring. find broken links in WordPress.Do you have any questions about how to set up a 301 redirect in WordPress? Ask away in the comments and well try to help.Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Employment Interview of R P Sinha Essays
Employment Interview of R P Sinha Essays Employment Interview of R P Sinha Paper Employment Interview of R P Sinha Paper EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW OF R P SINHA Mr. R P Sinha is a MBA. He is being interviewed for the position of Management Trainee at a reputed company. The selection committee’s is chaired by a lady Vice – President. Mr. Sinha’s interview was as follows : Committee : Good morning ! Mr. Sinha : Good morning to Sirs and Madam ! Chairperson : Please, sit down. Mr. Sinha : Thank you (sits down at the edge of the chair, keeps his portfolio on the table) Q. Chairperson : You are Mr. R. P. Sinha A Sinha : Yes, Madam. This is how I am called. Q. Chairperson : You have passed MBA with 1st Division. A. Sinha : Yes, Madam. Q. Chairperson : Why do you want to work in our organization ? A Sinha : It is just like that. Also, because it has good reputation. Q. Member A : This job is considered to be quite stressful. Do you think you can manage the stress involved. A. Sinha : I think there is too much talk about stress these days. Sir, would you tell clearly what you mean by stress ? I am very strong for any stress. Q. Member B : What are your strengths ? A. Sinha : Sir, who am I talk boastfully about my strengths. You should tell me my strengths. Q. Member C : What are your weaknesses ? A. Sinha : I become angry very fast. Q. Member A : Do you want to ask us any questions ? A Sinha : Yes Sir ! What are the future chances for one who starts as a management trainee ? The member tells M. Sinha the typical career path for those starting as Management Trainee. The Chairperson thanks Mr. Sinha. Mr. Sinha promptly says in reply, â€Å"you are welcome,†and comes out. Questions: 1. Do you find Mr. Sinha’s responses to various questions effective? Give reasons for your view on each answer given by Mr. Sinha. 2. Rewrite the responses that you consider most effective to the above questions in a job interview. 3. Mr. Sinha has observed the norm of respectful behaviour and polite conversation. But, do you think there is something gone wrong in his case ? Account for your general impression of Mr. Sinha’s performance at the interview.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
QUESTION OF THE WEEK 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
QUESTION OF THE WEEK 6 - Essay Example It means unlike, Montreal, the major population of Los Angeles is Los Angeles born population. The total area of Los Angeles is 469 square miles while the total area of Metropolitan area of Montreal is 1,644 sq miles. The population density of Los Angeles was 7,876.9/km2 whereas; the population density of Montreal was 4,439/km2. The birth rate, death rate and natural increase rate in Montreal according to the Census 2001, are 11%, 8.3% and 2.7% respectively. The death rate of Los Angeles in 2001 was very closer to Montreal death rate which was 7.03% (Department of Health Services). The average age of the women during fertility was 29.9 whereas; the fertility rate was 1.4%. The life expectancy of the people born between 2000 and 2001 was 76.6 for males and 82 for females. Interestingly, in Montreal the number of immigrant immigrated before 1991 (406,770) is higher as compared to those immigrated between 1991 and 2001 (215,120). According to Census 2000, the percentage of immigrants living in Los Angeles declined from 6.8% to 4.9% in 2000 as compared to overall US immigrated-population which increased from 14 million to 31 million (Light). Therefore, like Montreal, Los Angeles, also faced a decline in immigrants during this period. The mobility status of Montreal shows that around 172,535 people moved within the same territory (changed their addresses) and 48,135 entered into Montreal from other provinces, territories or countries. Median family income in 2000 was Canadian $72,175 in Montreal while the median family income in Los Angeles in 2000 was US $36,687. Since the exchange rate of US and Canadian dollar is not very significant therefore, it can be analysed that people in Montreal used to have high median income almost double than median income of Los Angeles. The median age of both sexes in Montreal was 37.9, in which median age for males was 36.8 and median age for women was 39.0. Majority of population is above 15 (1,814,170)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Tell-Tale Heart and A Rose for Emily, gothic but with a twist Essay
The Tell-Tale Heart and A Rose for Emily, gothic but with a twist - Essay Example in the backdrop of 19th century England, but as we progress through the story, we find certain unmistakable Gothic elements that are present in every layer. It is not merely the dark, brooding, rather claustrophobic atmosphere of the backdrop itself, there is something of the Gothic darkness in the characters too. Like his successor Austen who so successfully interwove the setting with the mindset of the characters, Faulkner uses the house in which Mrs. Emily Grierson lived to portray the working of her mind. On the other hand, â€Å"The Tale Tell Heart†by Edgar Allan Poe is the usual uncanny supernatural fare that Poe is known and loved for. Yet, what strikes as similar in those two vastly different stories is the treatment of the backdrops. In both the stories, we find that the setting in which they are portrayed does not exactly affect, but rather reflect the demeanor and lifestyle of the protagonists. It is rather difficult to establish the Gothic-ness of the backdrop of Faulkners story. True, the house of Miss Emily Grierson is palatial and reminiscent of lost splendor, derelict and almost haunted by the lone resident, but the real darkness and epic grandeur that befits a truly Gothic tale is missing. The same can be said about Poe â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†too: it certainly lacks the grandeur that is expected in the setting of an epic tale, the story having unfolded in a common dwelling house in London. However, what the stories lack in the way of a backdrop, they make up in the narrative and characterization. The characters are authentically Gothic, with all the madness and darkness and the rest of the Gothic paraphernalia. A perusal of both the stories give the impression that the settings are
Monday, November 18, 2019
GBST300 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
GBST300 - Essay Example It absorbs several American citizens in its personnel lineup which contributes to increasing overall income distribution and reduces unemployment. Despite all its outlets spread across the world, it has the head office in US where all decisions are made with significant production process controlled from within. This means that significant returns from its outlets in other countries are repatriated back to USA which contributes to overall growth of economy. Walmart need to consider its stand on environmental care and corporate social responsibility which will address the importance of the society on its existence. There is also the need to improve employment terms as this is critical to its sustained performance and overall public image. The emerging trend in business society where organization rating is pegged on commitment to the society besides shareholders welfare put Walmart in a place to care about the welfare of the society on top of the shareholders. This emerging approach is subject to the market trend. The increasing dynamism in the global businesses practices does not promise consistent sourcing and such treatment of employees. It is therefore important to note that Walmart is increasingly becoming under the global spotlight on some of its practices hence push to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Protection Against Cyber Attacks
Protection Against Cyber Attacks Joshua Smeal Heres something to think about. It is reported that roughly 80 million to 90 million cyber-attacks occur each year, which breaks down to about 400 new attacks every single minute. The sad part of that statistic? Over 70% of these recurring attacks go unnoticed! People dont quite understand the risks that come along with using a computer in their daily lives. There are a lot of people that do use security measures to safely browse the internet, download files from the internet, etc. Although many people are safe, there are the few that do not use any precautions or countermeasures and inevitably fall into a trap and end up losing personal information, money, or worst case even their identity. It is important to know what Cyber Security is in a general perspective, the different kinds of attacks that are out there, and the best ways to secure yourself as well as others from the risks they encounter daily when using computers. To elaborate on the meaning of Cyber Security, It is in broad terms the security of the cyberspace. Cyberspace and its underlying infrastructure are vulnerable to a wide range of risk stemming from both physical cyber threats and hazards. Cyberspace is particularly difficult to secure due to a number of factions including the ability for malicious operators to operate anywhere in the world. What exactly is a cyber-attack? A cyber-attack is a deliberate exploitation of computer systems, technology-dependent enterprises or networks. Cyber-attacks use malicious code to change the code, resulting in disruptive actions that may compromise information and allow for a crime to begin. This oftentimes happens when a person will be downloading what looks to be an anti-virus program to get rid of a virus or malware he/she thinks they may have because their computer is very slow. Once that program is running it may allow for all the data on the computer to be compromised. Once that data is comp romised it will allow for a crime to be committed and it turns into a cyber-attack. To go into more detail about a cyber-attack, there are many, many different types of cyber attacks. One of the most common cyber-attacks is malware, which can be explained as malicious code that has a malicious intent which is often used to destroy something or used to steal personal information such as a persons credit card information or social security number. Another type of attack is a virus, which is used to make a PC sick which then hides within the computer file system. They can replicate themselves by attaching to other programs and or files. Theyre usually used to slow down computers to the point of no recovery and the user can no longer use the computer properly anymore. Spyware is another type of attack and is used to spy on its victim. These types of attacks usually hide, as a spy would do in real life. They can log a victims actions, and are capable of recording keystrokes, which means they can see passwords that the victim types into the computer through the keyboard. Similar to a virus, is a worm. It replicates itself but unlike a virus doesnt need to attach to a file and or program. Worms can live by themselves and can replicate across different computers or networks, such as a school network, computer to computer. On the other hand, there are password attacks focused on a different goal, to gain access to a secured system such as a database or admin account. The first method and most commonly used is a brute-force. This method is used to crack a password. Brute force is using all possible combos of letters, numbers, and symbols to enter a correct password. Another type of password attack is a dictionary attack, which is when an attacker uses a dictionary to crack a password. The most essentials words in the dictionary are used to guess the password of a users account. The last type of attack is to deny the service someone is using or currently owns. It is most commonly known as a DOS attack, or a denial of service attack. This is a special for m of attack to interrupt a network service which is able to be achieved by sending high volumes of packets, or traffic through the target until slowed down or stopped completely. There are much more that are not listed, but these are the most commonly known and used types of attacks used by cyber criminals. Additionally, everyone should know how to protect themselves from the different types of attacks listed above and know how to be safe when using computers in their everyday lives. People should not click unknown links in their emails, if it were to be legit you should be able to go to a website that it came from and verify that it is legit. Another safety tip includes not downloading attachments in emails received from retailers. Typically retailers do not include attachments, and if there is any doubt that it is not real you should call the company first. A big safety tip is Do not give out personal information over phone or computer. Social Engineering is a process used to trick people into doing something they would not normally do such as updating their password on a website or giving a security professional their passwords to make sure theyre account is not in harms way. Some basic safety guidelines are as follows: Set secure passwords, keep everything up to date, pay close atte ntions to URLs, be suspicious of any clickable links, and verify everything possible. Now for the more technical part, this would include having a great antivirus program. Antivirus programs usually well take care of virus quickly and efficiently. Although people can get antivirus programs, there are new viruss made daily and are not updated within the system instantly which are defined as rogue viruses which even the best scanners cant find them. A rogue virus is defined as an infection where it displays itself on the PC screen, pretending to be a virus cleaner, registry cleaner, or hard drive optimization tool. They can scare you into purchasing something to remove fake viruses or say your computer is in poor condition.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Dante Gabriel Rossetti :: Biography Biographies Essays
Dante Gabriel Rossetti  Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born in 1828, but not with that name; not entirely, that is. In truth, he was born Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, son of an Italian scholar living in London, but later changed the arrangement of his name so as to closer identify himself with the great 13th-14th century Italian poet Dante Aligheri, author of la Divina Comedia and Vita Nuova (Everett, np). His obsession with Dante impacted his work, both literary and artistic; from his masterpiece "Beata Beatrix" to his poetry buried with wife Elizabeth Siddal, he lived and worked under the duality of beauty, the fight between the body and the soul, best expressed in "The House of Life," particularly sonnets 77 and 78, "Soul's Beauty" and "Body's Beauty" respectively. Even early in his career, Rossetti's interest in Dante is apparent. In 1848, he translated portions of Aligheri's Vita Nuova, which details Dante's unconsummated love for Beatrice, a theme that also runs through the Divine Comedy. It is at this time that Rossetti changed the order of his name and initials, dropping "Charles" altogether. This would become a lifelong identification with the poet, emphasized by his relationship with Elizabeth Siddal (Rodgers, p 16). In 1860, Rossetti married Siddal, a model and artist with whom he had an affair. This wasn't a happy marriage, both partners suffering from depression and drug addiction. Moreover, this was a "pity" marriage, done not out of love but out of loyalty to Siddal, believing he could save her from herself. Part of Rossetti's obsession with Dante became an identification of two kinds of love, one being chaste and spiritual and identified with the person of Beatrice, the other being earthly and physical. In marrying Siddal, Rossetti felt he was destroying her position as Beatrice, despite the fact that they were already lovers. The marriage was a short, tumultuous one, ending in the suicide of Siddal by way of a drug overdose of Laudanum, an opiate. Depressed, especially since the miscarriage of their only child, and no doubt also by Rossetti's infidelities, particularly with Jane Morris, wife of friend and fellow Pre-Raphaelite William Morris, Siddal is thought to have intention ally overdosed on the narcotic.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy Environmental Sciences Essay
On December 3, 1984. In the metropolis of Bhopal, a cloud of toxic gases escaped from an American pesticide works, killing and wounding 1000s of people. When the noxious clouds cleared, the worst industrial catastrophe in history had taken topographic point. Now, Dominique Lapierre in her book â€Å" Five Past Midnight †brings the 100s of characters, struggles, and adventures together in an unforgettable narrative of love and hope.IntroductionUnion Carbide Corporation ( UCC ) was asked to construct a works for the industry of Sevin, a pesticide normally used throughout Asia. As portion of the trade, India ‘s authorities insisted that a important per centum of the investing semen from local stockholders. The authorities itself had a 22 % interest in the company ‘s subordinate, Union Carbide India Limited ( UCIL ) . The company built the works in Bhopal because of its cardinal location and entree to transport substructure. The specific site within the metropolis was zoned for light industrial and commercial usage, non for risky industry. The works was ab initio approved merely for preparation of pesticides from constituent chemicals, such as MIC imported from the parent company, in comparatively little measures. However, force per unit area from competition in the chemical industry led UCIL to implement â€Å" backward integrating †– the industry of natural stuffs and intermediate merchandises for preparation of the concluding merchandise within one installation. This was inherently a more sophisticated and risky procedure. In 1984, the works was fabricating Sevin at one one-fourth of its production capacity due to reduced demand for pesticides. Widespread harvest failures and dearth on the subcontinent in the 1980s led to increased liability and reduced capital for husbandmans to put in pesticides. Local directors were directed to shut the works and fix it for sale in July 1984 due to reduced profitableness. When no ready purchaser was found, UCIL made programs to level cardinal production units of the installation for cargo to another developing state. In the interim, the installation continued to run with safety equipment and processs far below the criterions found in its sister works in Institute, West Virginia. The local authorities was cognizant of safety jobs but was reticent to put heavy industrial safety and pollution control burdens on the fighting industry because it feared the economic effects of the loss of such a big employer. At 11.00 PM on December 2 1984, while most of the one million occupants of Bhopal slept, an operator at the works noticed a little leak of methyl isocyanate ( MIC ) gas and increasing force per unit area inside a storage armored combat vehicle. The vent-gas scrubber, a safety device interior decorator to neutralize toxic discharge from the MIC system, had been turned off three hebdomads prior. Apparently a faulty valve had allowed one ton of H2O for cleaning internal pipes to blend with 40 dozenss of MIC. A 30 ton infrigidation unit that usually served as a safety constituent to chill the MIC storage armored combat vehicle had been drained of its coolant for usage in another portion of the works. Pressure and heat from the vigorous exothermal reaction in the armored combat vehicle continued to construct. The gas flair safety system was out of action and had been for three months. At around 1.00 AM, December 3, loud rumble reverberated around the works as a safety valve gave manner di recting a plume of MIC gas into the early forenoon air. Within hours, the streets of Bhopal were littered with human cadavers and the carcases of American bisons, cattles, Canis familiariss and birds. An estimated 3,800 people died instantly, largely in the hapless slum settlement adjacent to the UCC works. Local infirmaries were shortly overwhelmed with the injured, a crisis farther compounded by a deficiency of cognition of precisely what gas was involved and what its effects were. It became one of the worst chemical catastrophes in history and the name Bhopal became synonymous with industrial calamity. Estimates of the figure of people killed in the first few yearss by the plume from the UCC works tally every bit high as 10,000, with 15,000 to 20,000 premature deceases reportedly happening in the subsequent two decennaries. The Indian authorities reported that more than half a million people were exposed to the gas. Several epidemiological surveies conducted shortly after the accident showed important morbidity and increased mortality in the open population. These informations are likely to under-represent the true extent of inauspicious wellness effects because many open persons left Bhopal instantly following the catastrophe ne'er to return and were hence lost to followup.AftermathImmediately after the catastrophe, UCC began efforts to disassociate itself from duty for the gas leak. Its chief maneuver was to switch blameworthiness to UCIL, saying the works was entirely built and operated by the Indian subordinate. It besides fabricated scenarios affecting sabotage by antecedently unknown Sikh extremist groups and dissatisfied employees but this theory was impugned by legion independent beginnings. The toxic plume had hardly cleared when, on December 7, the first multi-billion dollar case was filed by an American lawyer in a U.S. tribunal. This was the beginning of old ages of legal intrigues in which the ethical deductions of the calamity and its affect on Bhopal ‘s people were mostly ignored. In March 1985, the Indian authorities enacted the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act as a manner of guaranting that claims originating from the accident would be dealt with quickly and equitably. The Act made the authorities the exclusive representative of the victims in legal proceedings both within and outside India. Finally all instances were taken out of the U.S. legal system under the opinion of the presiding American justice and placed wholly under Indian legal power much to the hurt of the injured parties. In a colony mediated by the Indian Supreme Court, UCC accepted moral duty and agreed to pay $ 470 million to the Indian authorities to be distributed to claimants as a full and concluding colony. The figure was partially based on the disputed claim that merely 3000 people died and 102,000 suffered lasting disablements. Upon denoting this colony, portions of UCC rose $ 2 per portion or 7 % in value. Had compensation in Bhopal been paid at the same rate that asbestosis victims where being awarded in US tribunals by defendant including UCC – which mined asbestos from 1963 to 1985 – the liability would hold been greater than the $ 10 billion the company was deserving and insured for in 1984. By the terminal of October 2003, harmonizing to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Department, compensation had been awarded to 554,895 people for hurts received and 15,310 subsisters of those killed. The mean sum to households of the dead was $ 2,200. At every bend, UCC has attempted to pull strings, obfuscate and withhold scientific information to the hurt of victims. Even to this day of the month, the company has non stated precisely what was in the toxic cloud that enveloped the metropolis on that December dark. When MIC is exposed to 200A ° heat, it forms debauched MIC that contains the more deathly H nitrile ( HCN ) . There was clear grounds that the storage armored combat vehicle temperature did make this degree in the catastrophe. The reddish colour of blood and entrails of some victims were characteristic of acute nitrile toxic condition. Furthermore, many responded good to disposal of Na thiosulfate, an effectual therapy for nitrile toxic condition but non MIC exposure. UCC ab initio recommended usage of Na thiosulfate but withdrew the statement subsequently motivating suggestions that it attempted to cover up grounds of HCN in the gas leak. The presence of HCN was smartly denied by UCC and was a point of speculation am ong research workers. As farther abuse, UCC discontinued operation at its Bhopal works following the catastrophe but failed to clean up the industrial site wholly. The works continues to leak several toxic chemicals and heavy metals that have found their manner into local aquifers. Perilously contaminated H2O has now been added to the bequest left by the company for the people of BhopalLESSONS LEARNEDThe events in Bhopal revealed that spread outing industrialisation in developing states without coincident development in safety ordinances could hold ruinous effects. The catastrophe demonstrated that apparently local jobs of industrial jeopardies and toxic taint are frequently tied to planetary market kineticss. UCC ‘s Sevin production works was built in Madhya Pradesh non to avoid environmental ordinances in the U.S. but to work the big and turning Indian pesticide market. However the mode in which the undertaking was executed suggests the being of a dual criterion for transnational corporations runi ng in developing states. Enforceable unvarying international operating ordinances for risky industries would hold provided a mechanism for significantly improved in safety in Bhopal. Even without enforcement, international criterions could supply norms for mensurating public presentation of single companies engaged in risky activities such as the industry of pesticides and other toxic chemicals in India. National authoritiess and international bureaus should concentrate on widely applicable techniques for corporate duty and accident bar as much in the underdeveloped universe context as in advanced industrial states. Specifically, bar should include hazard decrease in works location and design and safety statute law. Local authoritiess clearly can non let industrial installations to be situated within urban countries, irrespective of the development of land usage over clip. Industry and authorities need to convey proper fiscal support to local communities so they can supply medical and other necessary services to cut down morbidity, mortality and material loss in the instance of industrial accidents. Public wellness substructure was really weak in Bhopal in 1984. Tap H2O was available for merely a few hours a twenty-four hours and was of really hapless quality. With no working sewerage system, untreated human waste was dumped into two nearby lakes, one a beginning of imbibing H2O. The metropolis had four major infirmaries but there was a deficit of doctors and infirmary beds. There was besides no mass casualty exigency response system in topographic point in the metropolis. Existing public wellness substructure needs to be taken into history when risky industries choose sites for fabrication workss. Future direction of industrial development requires that appropriate resources be devoted to progress planning before any catastrophe occurs. Communities that do non possess substructure and proficient expertness to react adequately to such industrial accidents should non be chosen as sites for risky industry. Since 1984 Following the events of December 3 1984 environmental consciousness and activism in India increased significantly. The Environment Protection Act was passed in 1986, making the Ministry of Environment and Forests ( MoEF ) and beef uping India ‘s committedness to the environment. Under the new act, the MoEF was given overall duty for administrating and implementing environmental Torahs and policies. It established the importance of incorporating environmental schemes into all industrial development programs for the state. However, despite greater authorities committedness to protect public wellness, woods, and wildlife, policies geared to developing the state ‘s economic system have taken precedency in the last 20 old ages. India has undergone enormous economic growing in the two decennaries since the Bhopal catastrophe. Gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) per capita has increased from $ 1,000 in 1984 to $ 2,900 in 2004 and it continues to turn at a rate of over 8 % per twelvemonth. Rapid industrial development has contributed greatly to economic growing but there has been important cost in environmental debasement and increased public wellness hazards. Since suspension attempts consume a big part of India ‘s GDP, MoEF faces an acclivitous conflict as it tries to carry through its authorization of cut downing industrial pollution. Heavy trust on coal-burning power workss and hapless enforcement of vehicle emanation Torahs have result from economic concerns taking precedency over environmental protection. With the industrial growing since 1984, there has been an addition in little graduated table industries ( SSIs ) that are clustered about major urban countries in India. There are by and large less rigorous regulations for the intervention of waste produced by SSIs due to less waste coevals within each single industry. This has allowed SSIs to dispose of untreated effluent into drainage systems that flow straight into rivers. New Delhi ‘s Yamuna River is exemplifying. Perilously high degrees of heavy metals such as lead, Co, Cd, chrome, Ni and Zn have been detected in this river which is a major supply of drinkable H2O to India ‘s capital therefore presenting a possible wellness hazard to the people populating at that place and countries downstream. Land pollution due to uncontrolled disposal of industrial solid and risky waste is besides a job throughout India. With rapid industrialisation, the coevals of industrial solid and risky waste has increased appreciably and the environmental impact is important. India relaxed its controls on foreign investing in order to submit to WTO regulations and thereby attract an increasing flow of capital. In the procedure, a figure of environmental ordinances are being rolled back as turning foreign investings continue to turn over in. The Indian experience is comparable to that of a figure of developing states that are sing the environmental impacts of structural accommodation. Exploitation and export of natural resources has accelerated on the subcontinent. Prohibitions against turn uping industrial installations in ecologically sensitive zones have been eliminated while preservation zones are being stripped of their position so that pesticide, cement and bauxite mines can be built. Heavy trust on coal-burning power workss and hapless enforcement of vehicle emanation Torahs are other effects of economic concerns taking precedency over environmental protection. In March 2001, occupants of Kodaikanal in southern India caught the Anglo-Dutch company, Unilever, red-handed when they discovered a garbage dump with toxic quicksilver laced waste from a thermometer mill run by the company ‘s Indian subordinate, Hindustan Lever. The 7.4 ton reserve of mercury-laden glass was found in lacerate tonss sloping onto the land in a bit metal pace located near a school. In the autumn of 2001, steel from the ruins of the World Trade Center was exported to India seemingly without first being tested for taint from asbestos and heavy metals present in the twin tower dust. Other illustrations of hapless environmental stewardship and economic considerations taking precedency over public wellness concerns abound. The Bhopal catastrophe could hold changed the nature of the chemical industry and caused a redirect examination of the necessity to bring forth such potentially harmful merchandises in the first topographic point. However the lessons of ague and chronic effects of exposure to pesticides and their precursors in Bhopal has non changed agricultural pattern forms. An estimated 3 million people per twelvemonth suffer the effects of pesticide poisoning with most exposure happening in the agricultural development universe. It is reported to be the cause of at least 22,000 deceases in India each twelvemonth. In the province of Kerala, important mortality and morbidity have been reported undermentioned exposure to Endosulfan, a toxic pesticide whose usage continued for 15 old ages after the events of Bhopal. Aggressive selling of asbestos continues in developing states as a consequence of limitations being placed on its usage in developed states due to the well-established nexus between asbestos merchandises and respiratory diseases. India has become a major consumer, utilizing around 100,000 dozenss of asbestos per twelvemonth, 80 % of which is imported with Canada being the largest overseas provider. Mining, production and usage of asbestos in India is really slackly regulated despite the wellness jeopardies. Reports have shown morbidity and mortality from asbestos related disease will go on in India without enforcement of a prohibition or significantly tighter controls. UCC has shrunk to one sixth of its size since the Bhopal catastrophe in an attempt to reconstitute and deprive itself. By making so, the company avoided a hostile coup d'etat, placed a important part of UCC ‘s assets out of legal range of the victims and gave its stockholder and top executives big net incomes. The company still operates under the ownership of Dow Chemicals and still provinces on its web site that the Bhopal catastrophe was â€Å" cause by calculated sabotage †. Some positive alterations were seen following the Bhopal catastrophe. The British chemical company, ICI, whose Indian subordinate manufactured pesticides, increased attending to wellness, safety and environmental issues following the events of December 1984. The subordinate now spends 30-40 % of their capital outgos on environmental-related undertakings. However, they still do non adhere to criterions every bit rigorous as their parent company in the UK. The US chemical giant DuPont learned its lesson of Bhopal in a different manner. The company attempted for a decennary to export a nylon works from Richmond, VA to Goa, India. In its early dialogues with the Indian authorities, DuPont had sought and won a singular clause in its investing understanding that absolved it from all liabilities in instance of an accident. But the people of Goa were non willing to assent while an of import ecological site was cleared for a heavy polluting industry. After about a decennary of protesting by Goa ‘s occupants, DuPont was forced to scurry programs at that place. Chennai was the following proposed site for the plastics works. The province authorities at that place made significantly greater demand on DuPont for grants on public wellness and environmental protection. Finally, these programs were besides aborted due to what the company called â€Å" fiscal concerns †. QUESTIONAIRE Name: Alkesh R Takpere Age: 43 Company Name: RCF Appellation: Chief Manager ( Technical services ) Which merchandises do you cover in? Fertilizers and other chemicals 1 ) Fertilizer Urea 2 ) Complex fertilisers ( NPK ) 3 ) Methanol 4 ) Sodium Nitrate 5 ) Ammonium hydrogen carbonate 6 ) Methylamines 7 ) Dimethyl Form amide 8 ) Dimethylacetamide Which is the most risky chemical and what is the injury caused due to it? Methanol is a risky chemical. It has severed effects on the organic structure such as terrible abdominal, leg, and back hurting. Sums of methyl alcohol can besides do Loss of vision and even sightlessness. Have your company faced any calamity with respects to gas escape? No, RCF has ne'er faced any gas escape jobs. During the start up and the shut down all the gases are arrested utilizing flairs. If yes, how did you cover with the state of affairs? We have upgraded ourselves with all the latest engineering. There are 22 workss in all and they are installed with DCS systems in all the workss. Bing established in 1968 we bit by bit modernized all the systems. We have computerized control systems which help us track all the activities around the fabricating units. The temperature degree of all the vass can be moderated via computing machine. Internalized LAN system connexions with the ammonium hydroxide workss help in maintaining a cheque on operation of the works, temperature and chemical degrees, MCS 1010 grade Celsius. Workplace proctors help us to take disciplinary actions via â€Å" Alarms †and â€Å" CCTV ‘s †which command the operators and the analysts. What are the ideal norms to be followed in a chemical fabrication company? There are two types of Norms followed by the RCF: Safety norms and environment norms. Safety norms: Training to all contract employees Time to clip wellness look into up Separate preparation given to the applied scientists Fire contending preparation Baseball gloves, goggles and places to cover with risky chemicals Welding shield for welding occupations Environment norms: Norms related to Sox, Nox, Ammonia, â€Å" PM2.5 †, CO etc Other stipulated norms given by CPCB ( Central Pollution Control Board ) and MPCB ( Maharashtra Pollution Control Board ) and RCF works manner below these norms. What safeguards are taken as a step of safety? Surveies done by allocated organic structures ISO 14000, ISO 9000 & A ; OSAS -18000 ( Certified ) Proper medical assistance handiness at the clip of accidents Due attention for worker life by availing the insurance Health look into up from clip to clip Workers with Phobia ‘s detected by the physician are non permitted to work Fire Fighting Training is given to the workers in the welding section Mock bore on Levels 1,2, & A ; 3 is conducted one time in a one-fourth for supervising safety Flat 1: Deals with gaseous emanations Flat 2: Deals with Fire Department Flat 3: Common group treatments are done in instance of major issues. Level 3 Mock drill is performed one time in a twelvemonth. BPCL & A ; HPCL are members with RCF who are taken into consideration at degree 3 Example: Heavy escape Did the company undergo any alterations after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy? RCF has set up the environment cell in 1978. 500 chromium. was spent for environment protection while puting up the cell. 4 ambient air quality monitoring subdivisions are set up around each works of RCF to supervise the gas emanations from the works. They function 24Ãâ€"7 ; to convey and capture informations every 15 proceedingss. Meteorological Department is set up in one of the workss to command the air pollution around RCF. Are all the employees in your company insured? There is a group insurance policy The contract workers are insured under ESI What is the function of the company in societal duty? Autonomic nervous system: The following enterprises have been taken by the company: aˆ? Farmer Education on farm inputs aˆ? Soil Testing of major and micro foods aˆ? Water/Irrigation direction aˆ? Plant Protection Measures aˆ? Training on station crop engineering & A ; selling aˆ? Field and Crop Demonstrations are other effectual agencies of leaving cognition to husbandmans. aˆ? Tie-up with M/s ITC e-choupal aˆ? The Company has 6 inactive and 4 nomadic soil-testing new waves. More than 60,000 dirt samples are tested every twelvemonth and recommendations on efficient usage of fertilisers are given through ‘Soil Health Cards ‘ . aˆ? 600 Krishi-melas conducted functioning about 3,00,000 husbandmans per twelvemonth aˆ? RCF has launched a dedicated web site for husbandmans â€Å" www.rcfkrushisamridhi.com †What are the assorted monitoring & A ; surveillance system adopted by the company for security intents? Autonomic nervous system: For security purposes the company follows assorted policies like: The ‘Fraud Prevention Policy of RCF-2010 ‘ has been framed to supply a system for sensing and bar of fraud, coverage of any fraud that is detected or suspected and just dealing of affairs refering to fraud. The policy will guarantee and supply for the followers: – 1. To guarantee that direction is cognizant of its duties for sensing and bar of fraud and for set uping processs for forestalling fraud and/or observing fraud when it occurs. 2. To supply a clear counsel to employees and others covering with RCF, prohibiting them from engagement in any deceitful activity and the action to be taken by them where they suspect any deceitful activity. 3. To carry on probes into deceitful activities. 4. To supply confidences that any and all suspected deceitful activity will be to the full investigated. This policy applies to any fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting employees of RCF ( all full clip, portion clip or employees appointed on adhoc / impermanent / contract footing, student nurses and trainees ) every bit good as representatives of sellers, providers, contractors, advisers, service suppliers or any outside bureau making any type of concern with RCF. The company besides employs 12 to 15 security guards in & A ; around the office premises. What is the back-up program of the company in instance of indecent accident or any exigency? Autonomic nervous system: There is handiness of ambulance at mill site Safety dismaies are available as a warning signal to move rapidly in instance of exigency Workers are provided with proper and maintained machineries What function does moralss play at RCF? We make certain that air pollution Act, H2O pollution act and noise pollution act are followed purely. In MOU with authorities of India we guarantee that are 2 adult male yearss per employee for preparation. What step has RCF taken apart from the authorities norms? Alternatively of N2O, RCF uses DN2O acid accelerator which has the potency of consuming pollution by 300 times. We besides use selective catalytic reactor to breathe colourless exhausts alternatively of brown exhausts as earlier. Interpretation & A ; Analysis of the Interview RCF produces fertilisers and other risky chemicals of the classs:15-15-15 & A ; 20-20-0 RCF being one of the largest chemical fertilizing workss takes extreme safeguards and applies rigorous pattern of safety steps. They are really peculiar about the safety and take heavy steps for the same. They give equal preparation to all the workers every bit good as the contract employees. They are one measure in front in using the safety norms. There have no incident taken topographic point in RCF with regard to gas escape or other such catastrophe. They are really advanced and have modernized all the workss since 1968.They usage computerised monitoring system to look into the operation of every works which is reviewed in every 15 minutes.There are 22 workss and a works is shut down one time a twelvemonth for one-year care either in May or October for a maximal period of 20 yearss one works at a time.They have spent around 500 crores for developing the environment cell therefore lending to the protection of environment. They are besides really peculiar about the wellness of every worker. Besides after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the authorities norms have become really stringent.Thus, the whole interview gave us a thought that RCF believes in â€Å" Better Safe than Sorry †Q. Describe the systematic mistakes that led to the catastrophe in December 1984? These were the above factors that contributes to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 1984. A Production: The usage of risky chemicals like ( MIC ) alternatively of less unsafe onesA.Care: Storing these chemicals in big armored combat vehicles alternatively of over 200 steel drums.A Possible eating stuff in pipelinesA A Poor care after the works ceased production in the early 1980sA SECURITY & A ; SAFETY: Failure of several safety systems ( due to hapless care and ordinances ) .A Safety systems being switched off to salvage money-including the MIC armored combat vehicle infrigidation system which entirely would hold prevented the catastrophe. Government: The job was made worse by the works ‘s location near a dumbly populated country, non-existent calamity programs and defects in wellness attention and socio-economic rehabilitation. Analysis shows that the parties responsible for the magnitude of the catastrophe are the two proprietors, Union Carbide Corporation and the Government of India, and to some extent, the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Finance: Supplying less rewards & A ; no publicities to extremely skilled workers which made them to exchange the administration. Training: Coercing the workers to utilize English manuals even after cognizing they are non familiar with the linguistic communication. Q. Find out trigger points that a uninterrupted procedure fabrication works covering with risky stuffs need to watch out for? A uninterrupted procedure fabrication works have to watch out on following points: Chemical degrees of: Night Sox Ammonia $ other risky Chemicals Temperature degrees of the Vessels After Bhopal Gas Tragedy, all the chemical fabrication companies have started holding hart proctors in every subdivision as a safeguard step. Wherever these risky chemicals are produced, stored, used or handled, a proper and effectual wellness direction programme should be implemented so as to protect the involvement and safeguard the safety and wellness of people who are exposed to such stuffs. Policies and scheme – the duty of the direction sing the safety of employees and the usage of the chemicals should be stated in the policy statement. To give consequence to the policy, the direction must border a broad scheme on pull offing the risky chemicals. Register of chemicals – these should incorporate the information sing the location and the stock list of the chemicals. Besides it should advert the figure of people exposed to those risky chemicals. Risk appraisal and command – 1 ) designation of the safety and the wellness risky events, 2 ) Frequency of the exposure to the chemicals and likeliness of happening of the events and its development excessively. If the determination shows that the hazard is excessively high and non acceptable than preventative steps should be taken every bit shortly as possible. Safety work processs – at any point where and when this chemicals are used in managing there should be a written process for the start up, everyday operation, shut down and care work. It besides include the usage of personal protective equipments when necessary and besides other safeguards to be taken. Storage of chemicals – a storage system is established based on the nature of the chemical, mutual exclusiveness, measure and environmental conditions. So the layout of the storage design should take into the consideration like the statutory demand, material safety informations and besides other national and international criterions to be followed. Personal protection equipment include inhalators, safety spectacless, field shields overall, aprons and baseball mitts. Workplace supervising – it reveals which workers, country of the workplace and nearby locality of the works will be most affected if degree of the airborne taint additions. A regular medical examination by a competent individual should be carried out and besides consequence of the monitoring should be right evaluated and decently recorded. Emergency planning responses and first assistance procedures – its needed to get by up with chemical acciidents such as fires, detonations, spills, or leaks of risky stuffs. Emergency processs should be established so that the beginning of release should be decently rectified and the country of taint could be decently contained. The first assistance programme will guarantee that commissariats for exigency intervention of victims of chemical toxic condition or inordinate exposure to toxic chemicals are met. Information and preparation – employees who handle chemicals or may be affected by them should be informed of the hazard potency of these chemicals and the processs for safe handling, minimisation of exposure. A preparation programme should be instituted to guarantee that the safe handling process are both known and understood by all concerned. Information on risky chemicals and safe handling processs should be disseminated on a regular basis to employees involved via group and single preparation, informations sheets and other AIDSs. Programme reappraisal and audit – the direction should carry on an one-year reappraisal of its risky stuff, direction programmed to guarantee that it is relevant and up-to-date. The programme should be subjected to regular audits to guarantee that it has been implemented efficaciously. The direction should implement the recommendations of the reappraisal and the audit to better and heighten the programme.Acts and regulations sing the chemical industriesEnvironment direction The air bar and control of pollution act, 1981amended 1987 The H2O bar and control of pollution act, 1974 amended 1988 The environment protection act 1986 amended 1991 Hazardeous wastes ( direction and handling regulation ) , 1986 amended 2004 Ozone depleting substances ( ordinance and control ) regulations, 2000 Batteries ( direction and managing ) regulations 2001 Chemical safety and exigency direction Industry storage and import of hazardeous chemical regulations 1989 amended 2000 Chemical accidents ( exigency planning and response ) regulation, 1996 Public lialibity insurance act, 1991 amended 1998 Specific chemical category/container The chemical carbide rules,1987 The explosives act, 1988 The gas cylinders regulations 2004 The insect powders act,1988 The fertilizer control order act, 1985 The crude oil act, 1934 Other relevant to chemical direction Factories act, 1948 The moter vehicals act, 1988 The mines act 1952 The national catastrophe direction act, 2005 Chemical Rules in India: BackgroundPrime DriversAâ„ ¢ Bhopal Gas Disaster, 1984 Aâ„ ¢ Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 Aâ„ ¢ Multilateral Environmental Agreements ( MEAs ) Aâ„ ¢ Responsible Care ; OSHAS 18001Aims– Prevention of major accidents – Restricting the effects on adult male & A ; environment – Safety, control steps and coordination amongst bureaus. Chemical Rules in India Background: Industrial Activities Covered in the ordinances: Production, storages, usage and import of the specified risky chemicals. Chemical and petrochemical substances holding risky ( i.e. flammable, explosive, caustic, toxic ) belongingss. Storages of risky chemicals non associated with procedures. Industry, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules: Requirements in instance of Low Level Chemicals Identify jeopardies associated with industrial activity and take equal stairss for bar and control Provide relevant information to individuals apt to be affected by a major accident Develop information in the signifier of a safety informations sheets Industry, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules: Requirements in instance of the Medium & A ; High degree chemicals & A ; Storages off from Plant. Aâ„ ¢Submit written study sing â€Å" Notification of site †at least three months before and get downing any activity utilizing risky stuffs Aâ„ ¢Submit â€Å" Safety Report †at least 3 months before get downing activity Industry, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules: Requirements in instance of the Medium & A ; High degree chemicals & A ; Storages off from Plant ( Contd.. ) : Aâ„ ¢ Submit an up-to-date safety study at least 90 yearss before doing any alteration Aâ„ ¢ New and bing industrial activities to transport out safety auditand submit study within 30 yearss Aâ„ ¢ Submit a safety audit update study once a twelvemonth and send oning a transcript within 30 yearss Aâ„ ¢ Prepare up-to-date on site exigency program before get downing a new industrial activity affecting specified chemicals. Industry, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules: Requirements in instance of the Medium & A ; High degree chemicals & A ; Storages off from Plant ( Contd.. ) : Aâ„ ¢Conduct a mock drill of exigency program every six months and subject a study Aâ„ ¢Maintain records of imports of risky chemicals and to supply information to the concerned Authority Ensure the transit of risky chemicals as per the proviso of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Chemical Accidents ( Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response ) Rules:Aâ„ ¢ Central Crisis Group– Vertex organic structure to cover with major chemical accidents and to supply adept counsel for managing major chemical accidents – Continuously monitor the station accident state of affairs from major accidents, suggest steps for barAâ„ ¢ State Crisis Group– Vertex organic structure in the province to cover with major chemical accidents and supply adept counsel – Reappraisal all territory off-site exigency programs in the province and study to cardinal Crisis Group Loopholes in Indian ordinances Buffer stock jobs To put up universe category capacity works. Government should in audience with industry should develop a policy for allotment of buffer stock to outdo suitable merchandises. Government should setup support financess and supply inducements. Chemical bunchs: There is a demand to organize bunchs with proviso of common substructure installations to turn to the restraints of common wastewater intervention, conveyance linkages, including roads, power supply, H2O installations. Consolidation of little capacities: Government will make consciousness about benefits of capacity consolidation amongst SMEs. Wherever possible, authorities will back up consolidation of smaller capacities and constitution of chemical bunchs by switching downstream capacities near to female parent workss. Government may see to supply portion fiscal aid for any such resettlement. Forte chemicals as a focal point country Provding fund for Technology up-gradation for chemicals Establish chemical sector council for invention Sign international coaction understandings with other advanced states in this sector Promotional Issues: – National Awards for Technology Innovation- A strategy of national awards for engineering invention in assorted Fieldss, such as dyes, pesticides, chlor bases, etc. , is to be formulated. Under this strategy, the Government would commit awards for outstanding parts made in engineering inventions. The choice for awards would be made by a Committee of high individuals. Industrial Trade Fairs and Exhibitions- The Government would actively ease and back up the selling and organisation of major exhibitions and events in order to supply a platform to the Indian chemical industries to demo instance their strengths. Market Development- The Government would research new avenues of export of chemical from India to Latin American, African and Middle East states through our embassies and missions abroad.DecisionThe calamity was caused due to synergy of really worst American an Indian civilizations. The safety processs were minimal and neither the proprietors nor the local direction seemed to take necessary safeguards. The fact is the direction was non really prepared for such an inauspicious state of affairs. No prompt action was taken by local governments. Our legal system failed miserably, which needs to be changed every bit shortly as possible for the safety of people and improvement of state. we need to see assorted international pacts to give justness to people suffered in such a sort of calamity. The MNC ‘s operating in India must hold to the status of making concern that they will subject to the legal power of Indian tribunals both civil and condemnable. They must be responsible for the act of their subordinates in the host state and non disinherit them like cowards. The effort by the top direction of the Union Carbide USA to switch all the incrimination of Bhopal Gas Tragedy out to the direction of its Indian subdivision is the act of cowardiness.Notice should besides be taken into consideration that even the authorities of Madhya Pradesh was every bit responsible for the calamity that had taken topographic point. It was the administrative responsibility of the province authorities to play its regulative and supervisory function with most earnestness.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should International Recognition be a Requisite of Statehood essays
Should International Recognition be a Requisite of Statehood essays Considered a Requisite for Statehood? In determining whether a society or body of people should be considered a state or not, it is necessary to take into consideration certain presupposed criteria. Instantly, thoughts of governments, flags and anthems spring to mind. However, it could be argued that a state may be defined to be composed of less. Herein the argument as to just what exactly constitutes a state is borne and pertinently to what degree it should be considered a state, rather than just say a nation (conceivably within a state). Some contemporary definitions of the state have included recognition as a requisite of statehood, particularly as the United Nations (UN) deems recognition a necessity for membership. In terms of defining a state it would be more accurate though, to establish that recognition is beneficial and by no means crucial to the existence of a state. There are many societies operating to the same capacity as your typical state that are not duly recognised. This situation arises usually on the basis of a triviality, a past dispute or political alignments that could be comprised through another governments recognition of that society as an independent and functioning state. Also, paradoxically, international recognition could not be considered a requisite of statehood, if sovereignty is considered fundamental in defining the state. The idea that one actor can constitute another as sovereign is at root contradictory (Mayall J. 1990 cited in: Inoguchi T. 2001: 3) This is because sovereignty implies that there is no higher authority than the government of that state, yet international recognition as a requirement for statehood would require that there is, and that this authority is necessary to confirm the existence of the state to the state. A definition for what exactly constitutes a state is crucial to the argument of the importance of recognition in the international system o...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
SickleCell Anemia essays
SickleCell Anemia essays Hemoglobin, an oxygen carrying protein in blood, is sometime altered in people causing interruptions in the circulation of blood. This is known as Sickle-Cell Anemia. In the United States, Sickle-Cell Anemia is found mostly in blacks. About 1 in 400 blacks in the United States have the disorder. In Africa, and parts of the Middle East, Sickle-Cell Anemia can be found, not just in the United States. In infants, it only takes about 6 months after birth for symptoms of Sickle-Cell Anemia to appear. These symptoms include the following: swelling of hands and feet; and enlargement of heart and abdomen. Sexual maturation may be delayed in the adolescence stage of life. Later in life, leg ulcers and infections can occur due to blood flow disturbance caused by the Sickle-Cell Anemia gets its name from the sickle, a sharp, crescent- shaped tool. When a person has Sick-Cell Anemia, their red blood cells change in shape due to the altered hemoglobin in the blood. When the oxygen in the blood cells is reduced for any reason, the cells become oddly shaped. They are shaped like a sickle. This blood disease is inherited from the parents, much like other traits. The gene for Sickle-Cell Anemia is codominant with the gene for normal blood hemoglobin. When the heterozygous form occurs, that person is said to be a Sickle-Call Carrier. He or she has the gene for the Sickle-Cell Anemia, but does not show the symptoms of the disorder. Sickle-Cell carriers are partially resistant to Malaria. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Bearing all that in mind a detailed look at how and why EU social policy was developed will be examined and its development to prevent social dumping is also examined. Brown contends that â€Å"national and supranational policies of social protection and labor market regulation are appropriate for a deepening and widening the European Union and explores good and bad ideas for the Social Chapter†. (2004 p 19) Brown also states that the success of the national social policy is prejudiced by the degree of economic integration. (2004 p 10) This means that deeper EU mixing and incorporation will put emphasis on the stress for social policy reform and synchronization. However, the most policy-makers should strive for is minimum standards acceptable to all countries.†(Brown 2004 p 11) To examine the issues surrounding the policy in respect to social dumping it is important to understand the necessary push of economic integration in its numerous forms. These include trade liberalization to enhanced labor and capital mobility. Brown 1004 p 11) These can be can be better understood by putting them in the context of the premise that they are by and large desirable, yet it usually has â€Å"adverse consequences for relatively inefficient producers.†Brown. This is because relations and communication between social policy and economic integration become particularly obvious whenever it is the poorer members of EU countries who lose out. (Brown)In instances such as this integration is likely to lead to demands for greater social protection. The usefulness of national social policy is affected by the amount of economic mixing as well. In this instance organization and synchronization may possibly be essential. Especially if such policies are to be successful and have any value. If this is the scenario governments may possibly use them advantageously. Governments could use them strategically to benefit their own citizens at the expense of foreigners. Brown 2004 p 11) Examples of how this could be done include presenting less regulation and lower social protection. This would encourage inflows of capital, that would otherwise be known as 'social dumping'. The problem that can arise when this occurs is that if left unrestricted lower levels of social protection all round will result. Although to the degree that current national social policies in Europe are" ill-designed or fail to protect the most disadvantaged members of society, this could be a positive outcome." (Brown 2004 p 12) If anything has been learned from past EU integration it would be that the amplification of this, including the poorer Mediterranean countries and Ireland would be the result. In addition, realization of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Psychological Aspects of Cybersecurity Assignment
Psychological Aspects of Cybersecurity - Assignment Example Today, when the dependency on the use of computer systems and internet technology has increased significantly, the understanding and incorporation of cyber security proves to be highly essential (â€Å"What is Cyber Security?†2010). The present study has considered social networking as the primary focus in regard to the psychological aspects of cyber security. Social networking in the present times is used by millions of individuals as a means of remaining connected with the outer world, with friends, near and dear ones as well as for professional purposes. However, a lot of personal information is, in turn, being shared in the process that might be used by cyber attackers to spread malevolent codes, viruses, or may even access the personal information and misuse it for their own purposes (McDowell & Morda, 2011, p.1). Thus the need for cyber security arises, and this study focuses on the vulnerabilities and threats associated with social networking and having impacts on the services and the users, thus trying to determine the possible cyber security measures and the level of customer satisfaction that may be achieved. In the recent years, the use of social networks has been found to have increased significantly. There are several online social networking websites like Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, and LinkedIn, to name a few. The relative size of the addressees in these social networks is huge, which is often not known to the users of the site. Moreover, the nature of such users is also unknown. Hence individuals tend to reveal a lot of personal information. This may actually result in a number of security related threats for the members and hence for the services as well. Thus it proved to be necessary to incorporate such cyber security as to protect personal information on social networks (Hasib, 2008). When individuals post their personal information on social networks, a permanent record of the users is created that may be used
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Five Skills that a Forensic Accountant Needs to Possess Research Paper
Five Skills that a Forensic Accountant Needs to Possess - Research Paper Example The country’s top accredited organization of accountants, AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) made a study on what are the top skills for a forensic accountant needs to possess to become effective with his or her job. The respondents of the study were academics and practitioners. a. Analytical and detail oriented Their study revealed that a forensic accountant has to be analytical. Both the academics and practitioners that a forensic accountant must have the analytical proficiency that would provide an invaluable insight to the practitioner in its engagements than the regular auditing and problem solving skills (AICPA a, nd). Frauds are deliberately concealed and uncovering them requires analytical skills and dedication to details in addition to the usual auditing and problem solving skills of accountants. b. Interpretive skills or intuitive investigative skills The ability to interpret data and simplify them were also ranked as the second among accounta nts and academics (AICPA a, nd). They complement the analytical skill of a forensic accountant for this skill allows the practitioner to determine the usefulness of such data. Other respondents called this intuitive investigative skills or the ability to intuitively associate information for it to be useful in any forensic accounting investigation (AICPA a, nd). c. Soft skills/effective oral communicator The ability to communicate effectively was deemed important in the practice of forensic accounting. This is both oral and written communication. This skill is essential for a forensic accountant to possess because the nature of the work requires the practitioner to provide an expert opinion either orally (i.e. giving expert opinion in court of laws, providing consultancy advise to clients) or in a form of a formal written report (AICPA a, nd ). Forensic accounting is such a complex discipline and the ability to simplify information and language that can be easily understood by verif ier of facts or clients is an essential skill. d. Skepticism In the study, some respondents wrote it as â€Å"skepticism†which is essential for an investigative work. This became an important skill of a forensic accountant in cases where the practitioner is tasked to uncover or investigate fraud. e. Ethical Being ethical is ranked as one of the top five skills of a forensic accountant because this skill is â€Å"consistent with the mission of the forensic accountant†(AICPA a, and pg. 11). In plain language, forensic accountants are the antidote to frauds and scams and if they themselves are susceptible to unethical behaviors which they are tasked to investigate and uncover, the general public will be left with nothing to shield them from such undesirable financial practices. In addition to these five skills that a forensic accountant must profess, the practitioner must also have the ability to review large volumes of financial statements and documents. A forensic acc ountant must also be grounded on the various business models that companies use. The practitioner must also be able to prepare and dispense expert reports under a strict timetable (Owojori and Asaolu, 2009).Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Dwi case with multiple fatalities Essay Example for Free
Dwi case with multiple fatalities Essay Driving while being intoxicated is a serious crime. This becomes more serious when the charge is juxtaposed with multiple fatalities including DWI charges. These charges include underage driving, underage drinking, resisting against arrest and public damage. (Kar, 145) Such an incident took place in Middletown in 1999. This is a perfect example of the multiple fatalities while driving. Henry Bitchel was 15 when he crashed his 1966 Ford on a public telephone booth. The officer in charge booked the offence and tried to measure his blood alcohol level suspecting him being drunk. To this Henry resisted and thus offence was created against the law. However with the help of force the officer registered the blood alcohol level was placed in a much higher than the permissible level. (King, 126) Thus four major charges were lodged against Henry. The first was of underage driving without a valid license, the second charge was underage drinking as he was 15 years of age. The third was resisting arrest and it should be stated that Henry could have well done without this one. The last one was damage of public property in form of a telephone booth. The fifth and the main issue that was charged against Henry was the case of drinking while driving. (Lamb, 243-245) It should be noted that the law is enforced for the betterment of civic society and the good of the civilians. Therefore it is evident that the citizen should follow these rules. Otherwise, as in the case of Henry, there could be multiple fatalities including DWI charges and that is a must avoidable scenario. Works Cited: Kar, P; History of US Automobile Market (Kolkata: Dasgupta Chatterjee 2005) pp 145 King, H; Civic Fitness Today (Dunedin: HBT Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 126 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (Wellington: National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245
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