Monday, September 30, 2019
Leadership: Ice Cream Division Essay
This document focuses on the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division case study developed by Carl Sloane. Leadership opportunities and action are defined based on the characters in the case study. Dysfunction is evaluated both from a team aspect and from the leadership role. Specific development activities are identified to help the individuals develop emotional intelligence. Finally, recommendations will be made to guide the team forward. Background Chattanooga Ice Cream is a division of Chattanooga Food Corporation which is a family-controlled business founded in 1936 (Sloane, 1997). The ice cream division is one of the largest regional maufacturers of ice cream in the United States. The company’s primary focus is mid-priced basic ice cream products. The ice cream division has been experiencing flat sales and a declining profitability over the past four years (Sloane, 1997). Competitors had shown success in recent years with premium and super-premium brands with â€Å"mix-in†ice cream flavors. The Chattanooga Food Corporation focused on leadership changes in an attempt to improve the ice cream division’s performance. In 1993, Charles Moore was promoted to head the division. The ice cream division also hired a new vice president of marketing to replace a 30 year veteran. Stephanie Krane was assigned to the division to upgrade the information systems and control function. In 1995, the original manufacturing plant in Chattanooga was closed to control costs. The management changes resulted in a disruption to the top level management team. Three of the seven members of the management team were new to their positions. Additionally, Charles’ leadership style was very different than his predecessor. The previous general manager had been with the business for many years and had numerous networks to gather information. He made important decisions alone and rarely felt the need to consult his management team. The Dysfunction The ice cream division sales continued to fall, and the company recently lost a significant customer to Sealtest. The announcement of this loss resulted in open criticism from virtually all team members. In the past, when issues arose and blaming between departments occurred Moore would not respond in hopes that the managers would quit complaining about each other. Moore believes in the value of group based decisions and liked to bring people together formally to share information, consult on decisions, and forge consensus (Sloane, 1997). Moore would rank high in collaboration using the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). The TKI (2007) states that the â€Å"overuse of collaboration and consensual decision making sometimes represents a desire to minimize risk – by diffusing responsibility for a decision or by postponing action. The assessment goes on to state that a person with a high collaboration score may miss some cues that would indicate the presence of defensiveness, impatience, competitiveness, or conflicting interests. Moore appears to also favor the avoiding mode when conflict arises. Avoiders tend to hope that conflict goes away on its own. Moore has been avoiding conflict by not addressing the conflict when it arose. The DiSC Assessment is a tool to help an individual understand themselves and others. Based on the case study by Sloane (1997) Moore appears to be an S, which stands for steadiness. The S style prefers to work at a methodical pace and to focus on their tasks without interruption. They seek a calm, orderly structure where collaboration and group effort are valued (DiSC, 2008). People that have an S profile are demotivated in competitive environments, do not like being rushed into quick decisions, or having to be confrontational. These three traits of Charlie Moore have resulted in a lack of leadership through conflict and the inability to make a decision without collaboration time. As a leader, Moore has not displayed the four key principles to success according to Jack Welch in Winning (2005). These basic principles are mission and vision, candor, differentiation, and voice and dignity. First, Moore has not created a vision for the Ice Cream Division, and the division appears to be relatively isolated from the overall mission of the Chattanooga Food Corporation. According to Welch (2007), the mission tells where you are going and the values describe the behaviors that will get you there. Charlie Moore has been the General Manager for four years, yet it does not appear that he has determined how the Ice Cream Division can win in their current market, nor has he defined what winning means. The second principle is candor. Candor facilitates strong discussion. In the case of the Ice Cream Division team, it appears the team was displaying a lack of candor by not sharing critical information, or generating ideas which could result in a real debate. Part of candor is feedback. As a leader, it is critical to give feedback so each team member understands exactly what has to be done for improvement and where they stand in the organization (Welch, 2005). There are three main benefits of candor according to Welch (2005). First, candor gets people into the conversation. More ideas are generated and discussed, and all team members have the opportunity to contribute to generate the best ideas. Candor also increases speed since getting people into the conversation results in immediate debate and discussion which allows a well informed decision to be made. Speed is the second benefit of candor. Finally, candor cuts costs. Openly sharing information, positive and negative, results in a team that can quickly respond to issues that arise. Welch’s (2005) third principle focuses on differentiation. Differentiation is a way to manage people and business. The business side of differentiation focuses on how to beat the competition through strategy. The people portion requires a leader to identify the top 20 percent, middle 70 percent, and the bottom 10 percent of performers. The next step is to act on this evaluation. In the case of the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division, the bottom 10 percent would not know where they ranked or why. This problem ties back into candor. Without candid conversations regarding goals and performance, an employee has a reduced chance of success. Additionally, the lack of candid conversations does not give the individual an opportunity to improve their performance. Further, in this case study, goals for the team are not clear which does not enable people to be successful. The fourth principle is voice and dignity. Charles Moore has a management team that does have a voice, although they use the opportunity to lay blame and defend themselves rather than focus on solutions. Voice and dignity goes beyond the management team. According to Welch in Winning (2005), most people do not say anything because they feel they can’t and they haven’t been asked. Charles needs to understand the business from every rank and perspective as the company leader. He needs to get into the â€Å"trenches†. The only way to accomplish this is by enabling open, candid conversations throughout the organization. Developing a Team Developing a team takes time. This team has been together for four or more years with little to no achievement. The stage of introductions is past, but in reference to the Tuckman model (Tocci, JWI510, W6) the team is in the â€Å"forming†stages. Key attributes of this stage are an unclear mission and values, lack of trust, and lack of commitment. To start an open discussion regarding team dynamics each team member will complete a DiSC assessment and a 360 review. The 360 feedback will include their direct reports, people from within their functional area, people outside of their functional area, and every member of the leadership team. After the results have been compiled a coach will be assigned to each team member to review the results and to develop personal action plans. After these one-on-one sessions, Charlie should bring the team together to share the results of their DiSC assessment. The purpose of the session is to gain a better understanding of each team member in terms of how they prefer to work and why. Once the DiSC assessment is reviewed, each person will be asked to share the 2-3 personal development goals generated from their time with the coach. As the leader, Charles will start first and show his vulnerability. Sharing goals can help team members be accountable to each other. This enables informal peer to peer coaching to help everyone stay committed to the team. The DiSC assessment and the 360 degree feedback contribute to emotional ntelligence. Goleman (2000) defines emotional intelligence as the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively. Both of these assessments enable each team member to become more self-aware of their emotions and the impact on their co-workers. Additionally, these tools give an accurate self-assessment of each person’s strengths and limitations. Once each team member understands how they are perceived and their personal DiSC style in relation to others they can begin to make focused improvements on their overall emotional intelligence. Goleman (2000) found that leaders with strengths in a critical mass of six or more emotional intelligence competencies were more effective than peers that did not have similar strengths. These exercises focus on the bottom of Lencioni’s (2002) pyramid, â€Å"Absence of Trust†. The team should encourage each other to be vulnerable and in turn, support the team members that do show vulnerability. Specific Recommendations for the Team Once the team has completed the DiSC and 360 degree feedback tools, the coaching, and the group sharing they are ready to transition their focus to the ability to run a successful business. At this point, the Ice Cream Division does not have a clear mission or vision. To start this process, the team will start a charter. First, the team must establish an overall mission by understanding the overarching mission of the company. In short, at the executive level, what does the team stand for? Focusing on mission development instead of solving the problem of lost business will allow the team to understand what actions they need to take to align the problem solution to the business strategy. According to Welch (2005) a mission answers the question: How do we intend to win in this business? Using guidance from Winning (Welch, 2005), the executive team may develop a mission statement that looks like this: The mission of the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division is to become the market leader in Ice cream sales due to our focus on exceptional taste, unique flavors, and our commitment to customers. Once the mission is established the team will begin to generate a charter. This charter will focus on specific activities required to achieve the mission and vision of the organization.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Electra Products Case Analysis
Chapter 1 – case for critical analysis Question 1: How might top management have done a better job changing Electra Products into a learning organisation? What might they do now to get the empowerment process back on track? Answer: * Harry might talk with the employees. He has very much experience because he worked for 20 years in this company. He knows a lot of behaviours in the company, the good and the bad ones. Harry is able to understand the situation and the problems from the staff more than a newcomer.Furthermore he can motivate the others in a different, better way because he is in the same situation and they maybe look up to him. * The top management should support the teams with individual trainings for each department. So they can improve their skills to achieve better results in their work area. In addition they get new motivation and they approach their assignments more confident. Possible trainings could be: * Communication skills * Dealing with customers * Teamw ork * The company can make individual meetings with the employees to talk about their problems.In this case the labour has the chance to mention their own opinions and ideas. * An additional proposal to get the empowerment process back on track is to conduct surveys. So they get valuable information from outsider about the popularity of their products. In this way they can go into to the customer’s desires and get new ideas for possible innovations. Surveys are also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the competitors and their products. * To spur the employees they might give salary increases. This avoids that many of the disappointed employees are looking for another job as well.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Review Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review 5 - Assignment Example t’s check and analyze whether the bluefin Tuna is another tragedy of commons, as low degree of radioactive cesium has been traced in fish caught in California in 2011 after Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Latest research has revealed that the bluefin migrating from Japan’s coastal region to the Pacific Ocean after a relapse of five months of the tragedy of nuclear accident was tested for byproducts cesium-134 and cesium-137; radiation levels were nearly 3 percent higher than routine presence of the harmful matter, but still bluefin was fit for consumption (Smith par. 1-2). According to Madigan, the key author of a paper on Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, potassium-40 levels are found naturally with a near average 350 bq/kg. As per the Japanese government, the approximated cesium levels found in the fish off the Japanese coast was in the range of 61 and 168 bq/kg. The latest figures from the plant owner, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, have heightened the released quantity of harmful material during the initial weeks of the tragedy to 900,000 terabecquerels, which is two and a half times increased quantity than what was approximated in April 2011 (Smith par. 13-17). Milk is another major item of human consumption. Sample of milk gathered at Spokane, Washington and in San Luis Obispo County, California have revealed the presence of radioactive iodine, or iodine-131. The good and relieving part of the research is that the levels of radioactive iodine were 5,000 counts lesser relatively to the parameter fixed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (CNN Wire Staff par. 4). It needs to be focused that the sample findings are least critical while considering the day-to-day experiences of the people in the matter of eating highly polluted items of food (CNN Wire Staff par. 9). It creates an environment of unnecessary tension among the people that due to the tragedies of the commons happening recurrently in different parts of the
Piager's Cognitive Developmental Theory Research Paper
Piager's Cognitive Developmental Theory - Research Paper Example The sensorimotor stage is representative of the early-aged youth, from birth to age two. It is a period where the child begins to recognize basic mobility and hand-eye coordination as well as a variety of foundational mental representations accumulated through vision, touch, and motor conditioning. The preoperational stage is a period where more formal logic is developed, ranging between age two through seven, in which the child maintains rather egocentric behaviors and attitudes. It is in this stage where the youth maintains centric-style thinking, which is placing all of their focus and attention on a singular characteristic rather than thinking abstractly about various alternatives. Centration in this stage will often have a child stating that the volume of liquid in two similar beakers, when poured into a taller and more slender container, remains the same even though there was a transition. Thus, broader logic has not yet been developed. The next stage is the concrete operationa l stage, appropriate for youths between seven and 12 years of age, where conservation is now understood, comprehending concepts of reversibility, the ability to classify objects based on common shapes and sizes, and the youth begins to reject their previous egocentric thought. The final stage is formal operations, occurring between the ages of 12 to late adolescence. This stage involves maintaining an understanding of abstract moral and ethical principles, where the child is able to reasonably determine potential consequences to an action, and where some egocentric behaviors and attitudes re-emerge as a product of identify formation. Having provided a brief summation of the different stages, the one particular stage of development appropriate for more intensive examination is the concrete operational stage, the stage where egocentric behavior begins to diminish and where elementary logic begins to surface. In order to facilitate more effective learning, a child in the concrete opera tional stage of development requires a tactical approach to learning, using hands-on methodologies to gain attention and comprehension. Shaikh (2003) suggests that youths in this stage must have recurrent trial-and-error in experimentation where knowledge findings are repeated with instructor-generated feedback in order to retain learning from experiential lessons. Shaikh (2003) further emphasizes that lectures as a tool for imparting knowledge will be ineffective during this stage of development due to the rationalization processes within the child between seven and twelve. The child in the concrete operational stage gains more curiosity about the world around them as they are able to establish logical patterns and shape distinctions with the shedding of their self-motivated thought patterns. Their curiosity will demand hands-on applications to learn complex concepts such as mathematics, thus students being taught in the classroom will require dice, algebra blocks, spinners, or oth er appropriate experiential tools (Burns & Silbey, 2000). Why is this? Students have not yet developed the verbal capabilities to express their newfound logic and reasoning (e.g. classification and conservation), thus they require more fundamental learning tools to fill this void in self-expression (Santrock, 2008). Thus, to properly
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Blues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Blues - Research Paper Example Bessie Smith was born to a poor African American family in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and was brought up by her older sister because her parents both died very young. This hard start in life, moving from house to house without a stable home environment, is the classic stuff of the Blues, and she got involved in singing with other family members initially as a way to earn money to feed herself and her siblings. Many details about Bessie’s early life are not known, and this is mainly because the lives of black people were often not considered remarkable enough to be documented accurately. Evidence of her school career and early singing activities is, for example sketchy. It is likely that she experienced singing in the Church, since her father was a part time preacher as well as a day labourer, and in the street, since that is where she would have spent a lot of time as a child. It appears that Bessie started her performing career with her brother in the streets near her home, and then gradually progressing to various roles in Vaudeville and travelling â€Å"tent shows†which appeared frequently in Chattanooga due to the town’s strong connections with railway companies. (Scott, 2008, p. 92) Much of this early work was in supporting roles, such as chorus singing. As a young woman without parents to chaperone her, Bessie had a freedom to experience all the excitement, and of course the danger and immorality, that surrounded the music scene in the black communities of the South. Bessie’s singing talent and huge personality made an impression with music publishers and soon she began to record songs made famous by other female singers like Ma Rainey, adding her own personal style, and incidentally creating a fashion for â€Å"cover†records which then took hold of the music publishing world. (Davis, 1995, p. 76) Although Bessie Smith died tragically in an automobile accident at the age of only forty three, she was one of the most distin ctive voices of the early Blues period. Bessie Smith’s singing talent was the key to her success but added to this was her larger than life personality and her commanding physique. As a large and confident black woman she dressed lavishly and obviously enjoyed the star status that her career had brought her. The beauty that she had was of a different kind than the ideals of the age: instead of the slim and tailored look that professional women chose, Bessie opted for flamboyant styles and exuberant colors. This was not a woman who could be easily overlooked in a room full of people. Her voice was loud and deep, but with a very subtle flexibility that made it ideal for the nuances of sadness that the early Blues lyrics required. Bessie sang the popular blues songs of the day, most famously the title song â€Å"St Louis Blues†for the famous film of that name, but she also wrote her own material which indicated an assertive, rebellious, and very womanly perspective on th e world. The lyrics to her song, â€Å"Young Woman’s Blues†for example, promote the lifestyle of a wandering singer, deliberately choosing to reject conformity and the attractions of respectable married life, which emulated white society’s standards: â€Å"I’m as good as any woman in your town, I ain’t no high yella, I’m a deep killer brown. â€Å"I ain’t gonna marry, ain’t gon’ settle down. I’m gon’ drink good moonshine and run these browns down.â€
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Issue of Virtue or Citizenship for the New Republic of Antarctica Essay
The Issue of Virtue or Citizenship for the New Republic of Antarctica - Essay Example As a preliminary matter, it is essential to define precisely what is meant by the notion of civic virtue or citizenship. The main idea is that citizens are bound to place certain larger civic goals above their more particularized personal desires. Implicit in this concept is the notion of sacrifice. The citizen, while to be protected and respected as an individual, is also expected to behave in ways which promote the larger interests of his state or country. In this way, citizenship implies certain fundamental obligations. The virtue is behavior which conforms to these expectations. The important question, therefore, becomes what expectations ought the New Republic of Antarctica create for its citizenry The nature of virtue is a question which deserves serious attention. Some have argued that virtue is to be closely aligned with austerity. The pursuit of luxury and personal fame is to be discouraged. Larger social goals should be the guiding goals of citizenship. Others have argued that virtue need not be so limiting on a personal level. This line of reasoning is more liberal, and suggests that individual achievements will contribute to the development of the country. Thus, personal gain ought to be encouraged so long as the fundamental objectives of the government are not endangered. In the final analysis, the virtue to be explored in this report refers to the role and the function of individuals within the New Republic of Antarctica. This raises questions of political conformity and the nature of the individual's influence within the republic. 1.2 Alternative Models The manner in which virtue is to be incorporated into a republic is variable; to be sure, there are different models to consider. First, there is the notion of a direct democratic republic to be considered. This model extends a vote to its citizens, according to a formula prescribed by law, and effectively operates on the basis of majority rule. This model is something of an all-win or all-lose system. The majority dictate representatives as well as an overarching civic conscience. The minority, meanwhile, is entirely subject to the whims of the majority. A second model is the constitutional republic. This model is motivated by a philosophical desire to protect minorities from majority rule. A constitution is interposed between the government and the citizens. It functions to state general and specific principles of virtue. The goal of the constitutional republic is to temper the potential extremes and abuses of the majority model. In addition to the direct and constitutional models, there are also questions pertaining to the centralization or the fragmentation of our governing system. The federalist model assumes a strong national government with subsidiary state governments. The states are possessed with governmental functions; however, they are subservient in many cases to the larger interests of the national government. An alternative model, the confederacy, envisions a more fragmented system of government. In this model, individual states reserve a fuller sovereignty over their own affairs; in this scheme, states function almost as separate governments unbeholden to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Inclusive Education and SEN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Inclusive Education and SEN - Essay Example Over the years, different nations have built systems that take care of associates with disabilities. The SEN and inclusion programs have developed a call for the liberty to education for disabled persons in response. The two bear complex linkages through various aspects such as policy interpretation, individual experiences and civic voices. The people in support of the inclusion systems for children with exceptional needs have brought out the idea that inclusive edification becomes essential for all children involved in the learning process. They additionally argue that differences can be a preserve that can be utilized in society development. The implication of all this is that inclusive edification offers to address the learning requirements for all individuals bearing an explicit concentration on the persons susceptible to marginalization and segregation. Inclusion of the people bearing additional needs in the education systems functions as the best or most effective step towards the prevention of discriminatory mindsets, creation of friendly communal backgrounds, developing or transforming the discriminatory society into an all inclusive society and finally achieving the edification goal for every person (Aniftos & McLuskie 2004, 2). The inclusion system implies that democracy has achieved societal action throughout the curriculum offered to all children despite their physical health. Democracy in education has to gain positive attitudes from all people, and the general populace has to be geared up to identify, and value the exceptional uniqueness of every person. Introduction of inclusive learning is meant to bring total transformation in the educational system and build a model through has greater orientation regarding inclusive ideas. To this effect, advanced intellect institutions have to come up with and incorporate new familiarity concerning inclusive learning supervision. The inclusion system raises concerns for teachers on its practicalities and the anomalies that it presents. The concerns have in response has led to development of mind-sets towards children with additional needs since most of them attain low on standard assessments (Robertson 2008, 9). Bearing in thoughts that regular education got strategically designed for typical children, the inclusion of children bearing additional needs means that certain features of special education have to be incorporated into regular education, in an attempt to cater for the assorted learners. The practices may offer barriers to effective learning for other learners even though such practices may seem effective for miniature groups of persons having disabilities (Aniftos & McLuskie 2004, 2). The fact that the traditional models have worked for unique people in the past may be biased taking into thought the recent periods. The medical and social paradigms are the two divergent models of disability that are considered most crucial. The models aim at conveying a better comprehension of disability taking into thought diverse, fundamental aspects. The medical model brings the implication that disability is a personal problem. According to this model, somebody bearing impairment either eyesight, earshot or mobility impairment gets considered as their disabilities. The model can also be referred to as the personal tragedy paradigm considering that it regards the complexities that impaired persons
Monday, September 23, 2019
Beo-Gramscian Approaches and Marxist Thinking on International Essay
Beo-Gramscian Approaches and Marxist Thinking on International Relations - Essay Example Gramsci who was a leader of Italian Communist party in the fascist era did not ever write much directly on international relations. Gramaci did not see state merely as the government since its functioning is effectively constrained by the hegemony of the dominant capitalist class. Along with the government, he saw the role of "the church, the educational system, the press, all the institutions which helped to create in people certain modes of behaviour and expectations consistent with the hegemonic social order" (Cox, 1993, p.51). In brief, he clearly saw that "the hegemony of a dominant class thus bridged the conventional categories of state and civil society, categories which retained a certain analytical usefulness but ceased to correspond to separable entities in reality" (Cox, 1993, p.51). Gramsci's delineation of the concept 'passive revolution' is particularly useful in characterising the social formations in most of the third world countries since they are "caught up in a dia lectic of revolution-restoration which tended to become blocked as neither the new forces nor the old could triumph" (Cox, 1993, p.54). It means that since there is enormous pressure from the advance countries, the third world countries cannot remain stagnant although these societies are characterised by the dominance of old forces such as feudal and conservative forces. The crucial fact is that the industrial bourgeoisie in these countries cannot rule the society without allying with the reactionary forces. "Most of Gramsci's substantive work focused upon the analysis of national social formations in particular historic periods, particularly Italy" (Gill, 1993, p.3). Gramsci is significant in breaking the mould of orthodoxy in both Marxist theory and practice. Gramsci's ideas are so vital to develop a comprehensive understanding of the state- civil society relationships only in the West but also the rest of the world. Gramsci considered political economy as just the anatomy of civil society. Gramsci's works raise a number of critical questions on the nature of culture, the state, ideology, hegemony and civil society in advanced capitalist societies. It does not mean that his ideas have limited relevance to the non-Western contexts, rather denotes the particular milieu of his scholarship.In the realm of International Relations and International Political Economy, Gramsci's ideas are much used in understanding "the internationalisation of state and civil society, the international aspect s of social hegemony and supremacy, and the transnational class and bloc formations and economic forces, the role of organic intellectuals and of international organisations and other issues which help to define the nature of global politics in twentieth century" (Gill, 1993, p.4). There is dialectical relationship between the integration and disintegration of the world order, mainly due to the crises faces by the global system and the measures taken to overcome them. On the contrary, neo-realists presuppose that the international
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Summary of the Skoda Case Study Essay Example for Free
Summary of the Skoda Case Study Essay The purpose of this summary is learns about what is SWOT analysis, how to use it to analysis a company and the way to guide goals and business behavior. Next, the object is understands how a particular company-in this case is Skoda Company-used a SWOT analysis to analysis itself. Skoda Company was established in 1925 and then had become a strong competitive power company in car market. However, it only have a 1.7% share-a very few part-in car market in recent years. Skoda UK management wanted to define its brand positioning, that means they need a brand which owned by themselves. This was a solution to reply too much competition in market now. The case study used a SWOT analysis tool (including SMART and SLEPT) to analysis situation of Skoda Company which from four different aspects: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The first step was strengths. Skoda wanted to know how customer feels to them so collects feedback from buyer. Use this way Skoda wined its own satisfied customers. Secondly, find weaknesses. In the past Skoda was produced bicycle and then turned to car producing, so some people consider that quality was not so ideal, so neutral public perspective is their weakness. The third was about opportunities. Skoda have their own satisfied customers, this is their opportunity. The final one was threats. In prefect competition market Skoda lost its market shares. They need to produce better products to keep their customers, and they also need a strong industry chain and an accurate market segment. The outcome of thought using a SWOT analysis was that Skoda was struggling to change it original image, and they already achieve some. The challenge was increasing marketing shares, so they needed to search a new strategy to improve their brand.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants Analysis
Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants Analysis Miscommunication Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†is an intense story that depicts a couple at a crisis point in a relationship as they try to work out their problems. It is paramount that the story takes place at a train station in Spain They argue openly in public, trying to establish communication to each other’s antagonistic views on the future of their relationship should take. The story itself ends without any hint of a reasonable solution, the reader never knows how or if they manage to find prevalent ground they stand on with the problems that have surfaced. A close reading of the text reveals all kinds of delusions and misconceptions, which both distract the reader and engage in communication in the short tail. Hemingway displays a cunning theme of the inability to communicate effectively within a relationship, along with hints to a few smaller themes such as evasion of responsibility, that aid the main theme. Hemingway uses literary elements such as tone, similes, metaphors, and an abundance of symbols to convey the story. Hemingway uses tone to push the theme of communication in the story. The narrator is very controlled, giving the reader a glimpse of information outside of the conversations between the American and the girl; even among the American and the Bartender accommodating the drinks for that matter. Hemingway controls the propensity in the narrator’s way to tell what the story brings forth. Hemingway does this to allow the readers thinking to be perspicacious, but can withal make for rough reading. He uses different tones ranging from relaxing to distraught tunes in the dialog to allow the story to develop, yet, leaving the reader disoriented and left to critically think about what is being said in the story. Both the girl and the American are having a very relaxed and controlled conversation. Keep in mind that they are having this conversation in a public place that might or might not contribute to this control. Even in today’s society, talking about topics such as sexual intercourse, abortion, or relational ties, some might exercise some form of control when verbalizing about these intimate details in public. â€Å"While the two are talking, they seem to almost lose that control at points in the conversation and becomes a distraught tone, like when the woman frantically says: please, please, please, please, please, please, please stop talking(224). Later on when the American states, I might have. Just because you say I wouldnt have doesnt prove anything (224) The girl insinuates that he’s not well peregrinated enough to have visually discerned white elephants. At this point the conversation starts to lose traction and they start to lose control†of the situation. Though they are both able to get their somewhat respective stances across; neither of them are able to articulate why they feel the way they do without explanation. As a result, they both feel threatened, incriminated, and misunderstood. This transitions the tone from distraught, to a somewhat somber yet dejected tone; which is what the reader can visually perceive at the end of the story: Do you feel better? he asked. I feel fine, she said. Theres nothing wrong with me. I feel fine. (225) Since they can’t get past what they desire, to verbalize about why they desire it, there is a consummate communication breakdown. In a sense, both the girl and the American talk, but neither of them listen to each other or care to look at the problem from the other person’s point of view. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†is comprehensive of similes and metaphors because the language is throughout void of the words â€Å"abortion†and â€Å"baby†whereas thats all the characters are verbalizing of. For instance, at the station, the girl comments that the Anis Del Toro tastes like licorice, and also the man verbalizes that’s the manner with everything, to that the girl replies â€Å"Everything tastes of licorice. particularly all the items you’ve waited farewell for, like absinthe.†the American then replies, â€Å"Cut it out,†(222) Rather a full of life reaction to a seemingly innocuous comment. its potential that â€Å"absinthe†stands for one factor, to the couple that the reader is not cognizant of, but its additionally, potential that the lady is touching on but she has waited her whole life to induce maternity and have a baby but presently it has been spoiled for her by the American. Ultimately, the American’s ammunition throughout this verbal duel with the lady is that the flexibility to form the affiliation emotionally hostile to her, as proven by his reactions to her comments regarding the appearance of the hills and conjointly the indisputable fact that everything she waits for tastes like licorice. Hemingway implies the girl is additional showing emotion invested at intervals the connection that for the American is clearly for the most part regarding sex. Hemingway utilizes symbols and their meanings over the girl’s artistic ability, as she looks to look at and licitly order higher than what she has. The accepted of the hills, coveting like white elephants could also be a robust picture; a white elephant is a possession thats unutilizable or extreme, principally one thats precious to carry up or intense to kill. The hills and the mountains being printed as white elephants may move mind the image of a pregnant abdomen. The young girl is outlined as sitting on this side of the station, with its white slopes and tan (221), dry nation. This aspect shows the value of an innocent life, as associate outcome of it looks dead. On the flip side, when she stands up and peregrinates to the supplementary aspect of the station, she externally sees fields of green grass, delicious trees on the banks of the river, and also the massifs on the to date perspective the watercourse, thus representing the value of life and wanting to keep the child instead of getting an abortion. a tragic remnant of a cloud moves over the world of grain that might name the winnow she confronts, the transient pessimism in what may perhaps be associate united choose, or not turning into the premature birth. She externally sees the watercourse over the trees,(221) but, that proposes shes attending to grip the subsistence, the attrac tiveness, on the substance of it simply on the to date perspective her seizing. The station has many elements to explore. The station is Associated closely to that of Island in the middle of the ocean. It sits center of all these rail road tracks. If viewed from on prime of, the station would seem to be penned by tracks, rather sort of a baby would be contained at intervals a mother. The shade recommends an advertisement between time respites from the sun, astonishingly so much uniform to reckoning a train could also be associate alleviation from the travel. The snappiness of their conversation is on the amount, whereas others were within the bar sitting tight presumably for the train. This discriminatingly indicates that the young person is hardline. Bamboo has been nonetheless vacant, so if a cross serving of bamboo is investigated, it’s a spherical. This might encapsulate the uterus, vacuous. In spite of the means that if a string is see over bamboo, its filled, torrential unvaried to a pregnant abdomen ought to be. The wrap had Anis del Toro painted thence as embellishment, adequate, as an example, this current couples legitimacy ought to appear, by all accounts, to be expeditiously numerous to associate within the outside spectator. The wrap blows confining the table, as if it’s associate proof of the young girl of the choice she got to have an effect on. Exactly once the rule of potation are doled out on the table by the server, they are resolved to gain pads and started drinking to distract themselves from the argument. By the amount the third globe of potation is scattered, the liners are saturated. They did not block the wet from physically incoming at the table. This might be run of the mill of birth prevention floundering, but in a very venue of while not a doubt a table procuring wet, the young person becomes pregnant. As a conclusion of the birth prevention battling, the American and also the young person become into this discord in this not one or the opposite one among them will assent close-by the others membrane begin. When the quality of three rounds of potation square measure apportioned on the table by the server, they are bent on to gain pads. Being consequently sultry, the glasses sweat. They did not deflect the soaked from physically incoming at the table. This might be run of the mill of birth prevention slumping, b ut in a very zone of definitely a table obtaining wet, the young person becomes pregnant. As a consequence of the birth prevention battling, the American and also the young person become into this conflict in this not one or the opposite one among them will concur adjacent the others acknowledge starting. Hemingway uses literary devices such as tone, similes, metaphors, and symbols to approach the reader at a different approach of analyzing a story. Hemingway uses these literary devices to trick the reader into thinking about a story when the story itself is encoded to be something completely hidden from the text, which in this case the hidden conversation was about abortion. Communication is a huge part in many places ranging from workplaces and also relationships. Without communication things fail and will not progress forward. Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.†Perrine’s Story and Structure: An Introduction to Fiction. Ed. Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp. 14th ed. Stamford CT: Cengage 2015. 221-225 Print.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Importance Of Reward Management Business Essay
The Importance Of Reward Management Business Essay Reward management in a business organisation is basically the way in which that particular business forms and implements strategies and policies to reward the employees to a fair standard and in accordance with how the organisation values them. Reward management in a business organisation usually consists of the business analysing and controlling the employees remuneration and all of the other benefits for the employees. The main aim of reward management in a business organisation is to reward the employees fairly for the work that they have completed. The main reason reward management exists in business organisations is to motivate the employees in that particular organisation to work hard and try their best to achieve the goals which are set out by the business. Reward management in business organisations not only consist of financial rewards such as pay but they also consist of non-financial rewards such as employee recognition, employee training/development and increased job responsibility. Reward management in a business organisation deals with the design, implementation and maintenance of reward practices that are geared towards the improvement of the business organisations performance. The Importance of Reward Management The elements of reward management within a business organisation are all the things that they use to attract potential employees into their business which includes salary, bonuses, incentive pay, benefits and employee growth opportunities such as professional development and training opportunities. Having a reward management system in place provides the business with many advantages, especially in small to medium size organisations where the managers must have a good relationship with the employees. Reward programmes have proved to be very successful in motivating employees and in turn increase the performance of the organisation as a whole. Below are some of the reasons why a reward system is important: Mutually beneficial- A reward system is beneficial not only to the employee but also to the organisation. The employee will feel more motivated to work having a reward system in place the employee will feel more committed to their work and their productivity will increase. An increase in productivity will then benefit the organisation. Therefore a reward system is mutually beneficial to the employee and the organisation. Motivation-A reward system will motivate employees by reaching targets and organisational goals in exchange for rewards. A reward system is great at motivating employees but they will also be motivated to prove themselves to the organisation. Absenteeism-A reward system will reduce absenteeism in the organisation. Employees like being rewarded for a job well done and if there is a reward system in place, employees will be less likely to be ringing in sick and not showing up for work. Also by having a reward system in place the employees will be clearer about the targets and goals of the organisation as they will be rewarded when reach certain targets. So by having a reward system as an incentive they will be less likely to be absent from work. Loyalty-A reward system will increase the employees loyalty to the organisation. By a reward system being in place the employee feels valued by the organisation and knows that their opinion matters. If an employee is happy with the reward system, they are more likely to appreciate work place and remain loyal to the organisation Morale-Having a reward system in place providing employees with incentives and recognition will boost their morale. By encouraging employees to meet goals and targets it gives them clear focus and purpose which will their morale. By the employees morale being boosted this will increase the morale of the entire organisation. This is all down to a reward system in the organisation. Teamwork- The reward system will increase the teamwork spirit in the organisation. The reward system will promote teamwork to the employees. The employees will work together as part of a team to achieve their targets in return for rewards. Teamwork within the organisation will help increase efficiency and create a happier workplace. This is another reason why reward systems are important in business organisations. Types of Reward Systems There are several ways to classify rewards; the three most common types are as follows: Intrinsic Rewards Vs Extrinsic Rewards- Intrinsic rewards are the personal satisfaction you get from the job itself eg having pride in your work, having a feeling of accomplishment or being part of a team. If an employee experiences feelings of achievement or personal growth from the job, this would be labelled as an intrinsic reward. Extrinsic rewards would include money, promotions and other benefits. Extrinsic rewards are external to the job and come from an outside source, usually management. If an employee receives a salary increase or a promotion, this would be labelled as an extrinsic reward. Financial Rewards Vs Non-Financial Rewards- Financial rewards are those that will enhance the employees financial well-being directly eg bonus, increase in wages and profit sharing schemes. Non-financial rewards do not enhance the employees financial position directly but make the job more attractive. Some of the Non-financial rewards that a business organisation offer might include-an attractive pension scheme, access to private medical care, help with long-term sickness, crà ¨che facilities, counselling services, staff restaurant etc. Performance-Based Rewards Vs Membership-Based Rewards- The rewards that a business organisation gives to their employees can be based on either their performance or membership criteria. Performance-based rewards are exemplified by the use of commissions, piecework pay plans, incentive schemes, group bonuses, merit pay or other forms of pay for performance plans. Membership-based rewards would include cost of living increases, benefits and salary increase, seniority or time in rank, credentials or future potential. Case Study Tom Warner owned a plumbing, heating and air-conditioning business in Montgomery County,Maryland. In the early 1990s, he faced a major problem. His main customers were commercial property management businesses and they wanted to cut costs. In order to do this; these commercial property management businesses decided to end their contract with Tom Warner and hire their own handymen. Tom Warner didnt want to lay off any of his 250-person workforce. He decided to reconstruct his workforce into territories. He assigned each worker their own territory and told them to operate their territory as if they were running their own business. He put each area director through training in sales techniques, budgeting, negotiating, cost estimating and how to handle customer complaints. Warner believed that if he had technically superb, friendly, and ambitious employees, they could successfully operate like small-town handymen, even though they would be part of a large organisation. Tom Warners programme proved to be very successful. The area directors developed a strong sense of pride and ownership in their territories. Each employee was able to schedule their own work, handle their own equipment, develop their own estimates and advertising campaigns. These were the rewards that each employee desired. Tom Warners programed increased the employees wages. A typical employee working for Warner before he introduced the programme was earning $60,000.In the first year of the programme that employee was earning $100,000.In the second year he was earning $125,000. From a reward point of view, Warners employees are extremely happy and Tom Warners business grew by more than 200 per cent in 24 months. Literary Review According to the book Human Resource Management in Ireland 3rd edition by Patrick Gunnigle, Noreen Heraty and Michael j. Morley: Schuler (1995) outlines a number of core objectives that a business organisation should have in relation to the reward package that they offer. Schuler states that in order for a business organisations reward package to be successful it must meet the following objectives: It should attract potential employees- along with the organisations human resource plan and recruitment and selection techniques the reward package should make potential employees want to work there. The reward package including its mix of pay, incentives and benefits should serve to attract suitable potential employees. It should assist in retaining good employees- the reward package must be perceived internally by the employees as fair and equitable and it should be perceived externally as competitive. Internally the employees should feel happy with the reward package and they should know that in comparison to other businesses it is a very competitive reward package so they wont want to leave and seek employment elsewhere. It should motivate employees- the reward package should help and assist motivating employees to work harder. By linking rewards to performance it should motivate employees to work harder as there is an incentive element. It should contribute to human resource and strategic business plans- the reward package should create a rewarding and supportive climate to work in and therefore it should be perceived as an attractive place to work. This will benefit the business as it will be attracting the best applicants. Reward management in business organisations is extremely important as the reward package helps to attract employees, retain employees and influence performance and behaviour at work. According to the book People Management and Development; Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson: Lawler (1984) feels that a reward system within the business organisation can influence a number of HR processes and practices, which then have a direct impact on the organisations performance as a whole. Influence recruitment and retention: Lawler states that any business organisations that have a reward system in place will attract and retain the most people. If better performers are rewarded more highly than poor performers. This also will have an effect on recruitment and retention, so performance-based systems are more likely to attract high-performers. For Example: If a business organisation rewards their employees with high wages, they will attract more applicants which will allow the business more of a choice over selection and hiring decisions. This hopefully will reduce labour turnover in the organisation. Influence Motivation: Employees see that by having a reward system in place, it puts an importance on various activities and tasks. Reward systems therefore have a motivational impact on the employees. However the management must integrate the reward system with the behaviour they expect from the employees. Influence Corporate Culture: The way in which the employees are rewarded will have a huge influence on the corporate culture of the organisation. For example: If a business organisation has a reward system in place that provides benefits for long-serving staff, this will likely shape the existing culture into one where loyalty is seen as central to the business organisations ideology. In contrast, if a business organisation has a reward system in place that rewards the employees for innovative behaviour and ideas, this is more likely to shape the businesses corporate culture into one where creativity and innovation is important. Cost as an influence: Cost is a huge factor and influence in the reward system. Some business organisations may not be able to afford to set up and maintain the reward system; it may be too costly for them. On the other hand, some business organisations may not want to waste the money on a reward system. This may demotivate the employees as they will think that not worth it and this will have a direct impact on their performance in the organisation which in turn will in turn have a direct impact on the organisations performance as a whole. According to the book Human resource management in Ireland 4th edition by Patrick Gunnigle, Noreen Heraty and Michael j. Morley: Lawler (1977) highlights that in order for reward management to be successful the reward system needs to have the essential characteristics: Reward level- In order for reward management to be successful, the reward package must satisfy the employees basic needs for survival, security and self-development. Individuality- Along with satisfying the employees basic needs, the reward system should be flexible enough to meet the employees varying individual needs. Internal equity- The rewards must be seen as fair when compared to others in the business. The criteria and reasons for the allocation of rewards to employees should be equitable and clear to everyone in the organisation .The reason behind the allocation of rewards to employees should be communicated and accepted by all parties. The rewards should be applied consistently throughout the organisation. External equity- The rewards must be seen as fair when compared to those offered for comparable work outside the organisation. Trust- In order for reward management to be successful in the organisation, the management and the employees must believe in the reward system 100 per cent. The employees must believe and accept that will receive rewards when they meet the relevant criteria. The management should trust that the employees will perform at a high standard and the best to their ability in return for rewards. According to Lawler (1977) in order for a business organisation to be successful in reward management, he believes that a reward system must have the characteristics listed above. According to the book Human resource management 6th edition by De Cenzo and Robbins: Armstrong and Murlis (1998) offer some broad distinctions between the main types of reward system: Gain Sharing Schemes-the pay of a group of workers is linked to improvements in internal company productivity. Employee Stock Ownership Schemes (ESOPs)-The business organisation offers company stock (at a lower rate than normal) to certain employees. Profit-Sharing Schemes-The business organisation gives a certain percentage of the end of year profits to the employees. Skill-Based Pay Schemes-The business organisation rewards the employees with pay on the basis of job-related skills or competencies. Individual Incentive Schemes-The business organisation rewards the employees for reaching or exceeding specific established performance criteria. Piece- rate schemes are the most obvious form of individual performance related rewards. Group Incentive Schemes-The business organisation rewards groups of employees with the same principles they use on individual schemes. Used most commonly when group work or team work is present in the business organisation. Conclusion To conclude I am going to give a brief run through the topics I have covered throughout this report. I defined and explained the meaning of what reward management is and how organisations manage rewards in organisations. I then went on to discuss the importance of reward management within organisations, by doing this I pointed out the advantages of having reward systems in an organisation. These benefits included mutually beneficial, increases motivation, improves morale, increases the employees loyalty to the organisation, improves teamwork and reduces absenteeism. I looked at commonly used reward schemes. I looked at a case study about Tom Warner was forced to reward his employees with a huge amount of responsibility; however it had an extremely successful outcome for him. I then looked at the main aims that every reward system should have; attract potential employees, assist in retaining good employees, motivate employees, contribute to human resource and strategic business plans. I explained the direct impact a reward system can have on the organisation as a whole ie influence o n performance, influence on motivation, influence on the corporate culture. I looked at and explained the essential characteristics a reward system must have in order to be effective. This is important for management when designing their reward system. They should look at and evaluate their current reward system and make sure it possesses the right characteristics. I then differentiated between the most common types of reward schemes according to research I found on Armstrong and Murlis point of view on reward systems.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Underdeveloped Countries and the War on Drugs Essay -- Drugs Third Wor
Underdeveloped Countries and the War on Drugs With the presidential election peering around the corner, it is time to bring back an age-old topic which has been troubling United States citizens for decades, the War on Drugs. Politicians have long quarreled over what sort of action should be taken to combat the world’s drug problems, and it is time that this issue surfaces again. Despite increased efforts from every government faction imaginable, the drug problem subsists, if not worsens. The market for cops and criminals in the drug war fields has not made any noticeable progress within the last 20 years (Kapczynski). Perhaps with the turn of the tide and hopefully a change of administration, the United States can develop a method that will enable them to make progress in this war, if it is not too late. Whoever assumes the presidential office for this next term will have to directly confront the sterility of the United States’ anti-drug programs. The United States needs to stop the War on Drugs and devote the annual twenty billion dollars to the countries that are being plagued with the drug problems so that they can work towards economic stability, which will potentially solve the drug traffic problems. To argue this, first it must be understood that the War on Drugs has failed and that the even the legalization of drugs is not going to help enough. Then it must be presented that the United States’ current efforts in Third-World countries are doing more harm than good and that we can fix this problem first by aiding the Third-World countries and not by destroying their economic structure. This issue is of greater importance now than ever before because we are losing the War. Despite the decrease in hectares from... ...ore reason that we should not continue this futile effort to stop the drug trafficking. We are doing more harm than good; I say it’s time to do more good. Works Cited Abramsky, Sasha. â€Å"The Drug War Goes Up In Smoke.†Nation Vol. 277: 25-29. â€Å"Drug Policy Project Director Calls War on Drugs a Failure.†Finance Customwire, 8 April 2004. Isacson, Adam. â€Å"Optimism, Pessimism, and Terrorism: The United States and Colombia in 2003.†Brown Journal of World Affairs Vol. 10: 245-256. Kapczynski, Amy. â€Å"Waging War With Drugs.†Index on Censorship Jan 2004: 76-81. â€Å"Reviving the War on Drugs.†New Straits Times 25 Jan. 2004. Whitford, Andrew B., Yates, Jeff. â€Å"Policy Signals and Executive Governance: Presidential Rhetoric in the War on Drugs.†Journal of Politics Nov 2003: 995-1013. Wolfe, Daniel. â€Å"Condemned to Death.†Nation 26 April 2004: 14-21.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Shintoism Essay -- China Chinese Culture Religion Essays
Shintoism      The Shinto religion was started in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868) of Japanese history. The Tokugawa 'Enlightenment' inspired a group of people who studied kokugaku, which roughly translated means 'nativism,' 'Japanese Studies,' or 'Native Studies.' Kokugaku's intent was to recover 'Japanese character' to what it was before the early influences of foreigners, especially the Chinese. Some of these influences include Confucianism (Chinese), Taoism (Chinese), Buddhism (Indian and Chinese), and Christianity (Western European). The kokugakushu ('nativist') focused most of their efforts on recovering the Shinto religion, the native Japanese religion, from fragments of texts and popular religious practices.      However, Shintoism is probably not a native religion of Japan (since the Japanese were not the original 'natives' of Japan). There really is no one thing that can be called 'Shinto,' The name itself is a bit misleading because it is made up of two Chinese words meaning 'the way of the gods'(Shen : ' spiritual power, divinity'; Tao : 'the way or path'). The word for this in Japanese is kannagara : "the way of the kami ."      Many things can be said about Shinto. First, it was a tribal religion, not a state one. However, even when the tribes were organized into coherent states, they still retained their Shinto beliefs. Second, all Shinto cults believe in Kami (?the divine?) Individual clans worshipped a single Kami which was regarde...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
American Imperialism and Early Progressives Essay
The issues America had with other countries all revolved around things like that. There was the Louisiana Purchase. There was the Mexican-American War. There was the â€Å"54-40 or Fight†crisis involving England and the Oregon Territory. Beginning with the Spanish-American War, the US turned towards expanding its power and having more of an impact on the international scene. The US then did things like taking and running the Philippines. It pushed for the â€Å"Open Door†in China. The war represented the first major military engagement for the United States borders since the Mexican-American War and led to a desire of United States interests throughout the Caribbean and into the western Pacific region . The war’s outcome led to dramatic increases in the United States navy budget and U. S military involvement in the Philippines, resulting in a three-year war. The Spanish-American War created policies promoting overseas investments and expansion, later referred to as â€Å"dollar diplomacy†under President Taft. Before that, this expanded policy could be seen in the Open Door policy regarding China. It could also be seen in President Theodore Roosevelt’s engineering a revolt in Panama against the Colombian government and then negotiating for the Panama Canal Zone and construction of the Panama Canal. 2) Explain how the following individuals responded to the economic and social problems created by the industrialization during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gompers, Upton Sinclair Thesis: Industrialization may have created a dramatic increase in wealth but brought along social and economic problems, Andrew Carnegie responded to these problems with the gospel of wealth, Sinclair attacked corruption in industry’s, Jane Addams with Hull Houses and movements for women and Samuel Gompers with the AF of L. Addams focused on poverty, low wages, poor conditions and the need to assimilate immigrants. Her goal was to help with the poverty and bad lives of of urban life. She established a settlement house, Hull House, in Chicago in 1889. 00 settlement houses were established across America because of her. She advocated the regulatory movement for slums and factories that opposed child labor and sweatshops and advocated for the 8-hour working day for women. Carnegie did want to fix the issues of the emerging economy with his vertical integration of the steel industry. Carnegie built wealth around efficient monopolistic operations, vertical integration, lowest possi ble wages, exploitation of workers, and forbidding unions. He advocated the Gospel of Wealth, and economic survival of the fittest. Yet, Carnegie also held that excess wealth was a trust for communities, and he established the many Carnegie funded public libraries. Altogether he gave away over $150 million. Gompers organized unions into the American Federation of Labor; unions were independent but cooperated on bread and butter issues. He wanted higher wages, fewer working hours, business liability for injuries, mine safety laws, and leverage of skilled unions; the AFL coordinated strikes and boycotts. The AFL had 2 million members by 1904 but mostly omitted semi- and unskilled workers and women. Sinclair wrote the book The Jungle in 1906 and described meatpacking conditions, which made Theodore Roosevelt push for the 1906 Meat Inspection Act that established sanitary rules and inspections. Sinclair was an investigative muckraker focusing on abuse of workers. 3) How Successful were the progressive reforms during the period 1890 to 1915 with respect to the following: Industrial condition, Urban life, politics Progressive reform helped in seeing the creation of labor unions like The Knights of Labor and The American Federation of Labor. These unions pushed for higher pay and shorter work days for workers by attempting to organize the laborers. They achieved some of what they desired to but not all do to the advanced organization and quick methods of reacting of the companies. the reforms were successful in terms of industrial conditions. Examples of this: Creation of strong labor unions such as The Knights of Labor and the America along with Federation of Labor. These unions pushed for higher minimum wages and pay and shorter work days. Also, to rid of child labor. For Urban life improvements, i didnt develop an argument yet but i have these ideas that were successful: The Hull House, Public Education, Crime, Pollution and theres a whole lot more but im working on it now. Sorry but that’s all i have:( In addition, the Conserative reforms of Teddy Roosevelt and Taft. TR added the Yellow Stone National Park to a protective reserve. Taft built off of these ideas with more parks being made into reserves. How successful were progressive reforms during the period 1890-1915 with respect to TWO of the following? Industrial conditions; urban life; politics. The late 19th century and early 20th century were marked by a period of reforms known as Progressivism. During this time, leaders of Progressive reforms aimed to improve American lives by instigating changes that would influence politics and urban lifestyles. Progressivism generally helped improve the everyday life and reduced corruption within the nation’s legislations. During the Progressive Era, President Theodore Roosevelt adapted in 1904 what was known as the Square Deal program. This was the main program that outlined business relationships between the corporate leaders and the industrial workers and that fairness and equality would preside over the connection. However, in order to prevent a communistic society and maintain competition in the economy, Roosevelt did not eliminate all trusts. He declared that there were some â€Å"good†trusts, along with the bad ones. The â€Å"good†trusts were those that were free from corruption and would generally maintain a fair and just relationship between employer and employee. The program included the Sherman Antitrust Act, which demanded that the trusts be judged by the acts they have committed. This act successfully signaled the end of corrupt trusts, along with the passing of the Elkins Act. The Elkins Act prevented the rich and the well known to benefit and receive rebates on the railways. The Elkins Act forced the railroads to create an equal rate for people of all walks of life and it could not be subject to change. In the coal strike of 1902, hundreds of thousands of Americans refused to work in the mines without improvements to working conditions.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Ancient Chinese Foot Binding Essay
Woman in living in China during the Song Dynasty believed that they would appear more graceful and beautiful if they had small feet. They used foot binding, a long and painful process of breaking and moving bones, to deform their feet until they were tiny. Foot binding perceived the role of women in Chinese society and Confucian moral values. This practice affected the lives of many women in ways that are unimaginably painful (Bound). One Chinese legend speaks of a time when Lady Huang of the Song Dynasty started this practice and continued it because her prince loved her little feet. He was proud of her ability to dance and walk gracefully. Soon, others took up the idea of foot binding, and copied her idea of delicate feet. The first evidence found of foot binding is from Lady Huang’s tomb. She lived in the Song Dynasty, which was from around 960-1279 AD. In the tomb, the woman’s feet were bound and wearing five and a half inch long shoes (Bound). Another legend states that the first time foot binding was used was when a young concubine bound her feet tightly to be used in a dance routine for the emperor at that time (Ellis-Christensen). By the twelfth century, the practice was greatly used among the upper class, particularly the Han Chinese. During the Qing Dynasty in the mid-seventeenth century, every girl who wished to be married into a wealthy family had to have her feet bound, in order to have a good life (Schiavenza). The reason for this is because men wanted their wives to be delicate. When a girl reached the age of 4-6 years old, her mother would perform foot binding on her. If she was any younger, she would not be able to endure the pain; but, if she were any older, her foot would be too grown to work with this process (Schiavenza). First, her mother would soak the child’s foot in a mix of herbs and blood, to soften it up. Then, she would bend and pull back the girl’s toes, (except her big toe), under her foot toward the arch until her toes broke. The girl’s mother would also break the arch of her foot. Next, she would bind up the child’s foot tightly with a long bandage, until her foot formed a triangle with the arch, toes, and heel (Ellis-Christensen). In other words, the foot created a steep, indenting curve and fold in the center of the sole, while the heel was pushed up, causing the foot to become rounded. The entire process was extremely painful. These feet, called lotus feet, were three to five inches long, and shaped like hooves (Bound). Even though foot binding created social possibilities for Chinese women, it caused many problems and deformity. The practice resulted in a shorter and deformed foot that came from the muscles and bones repositioning. Women had to walk on their heels, using a shuffling gait, seen as graceful (Bound). The bandages were worn all day and night, unless they were being washed, which did not happen very often, causing the feet to stink. This caused many infections and diseases. The women who used foot binding had to bind their feet continuously for their whole lives. They wore tiny shoes to cover up their feet. The condition of their feet affected their mobility. Women in Ancient China at that time could not leave their houses by themselves. They also could not do any work that servants could easily do. It was very difficult to get up from a chair and to sit down (Ellis-Christensen). The last survivors from this period in time, all that remains of a vanished idea, suffer from old age, arthritis, and the diseases that came with the practice of foot binding (Mao). Toward the end of the Qing Dynasty, when western countries had more influence on China, foot binding slowly gained more and more people who wanted to end the practice. Wives of Christian ministers, educated Chinese who had studied abroad in Europe and North America, and many others began to oppose foot binding (Schiavenza). Finally, in 1911, foot binding was officially banned (Bound). By the time Mao Zedong took control of China in 1949, the practice was gone, with the exception of a few remote areas in the mountains of China (Schiavenza). During the end of foot binding, a young woman named Gladys Aylward had a chance to preach the gospel to the Chinese people. She grew up in London, England, but was called to go to China and be a missionary to the villagers there. Aylward learned the language and culture of the Chinese, and later became a citizen. One of the officials appointed her to be a foot inspector after the law was passed to ban foot binding. Traveling from village to village, while the unwrapped peoples’ bandages, she preached the gospel to them, and told Bible stories. Many of these people believed and were saved (Gladys). Foot binding was not a form of torture, but was performed in respect to the Chinese culture and traditions. By making their feet exceedingly shorter, they believed that they were closer to perfection. Foot binding caused many women to suffer in their older ages, though. It is amazing that through suffering and pain, God finds ways to make himself known. Thankfully, foot binding is no longer practiced, due to the successful resistance movements of western influence (Mao). Works Cited â€Å"Bound to Be Beautiful: Foot Binding in Ancient China. †McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture. University of Tennessee Knoxville, 4 June 2005. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Ellis-Christensen, Tricia. â€Å"Why Did Chinese Women Bind Their Feet?. †wiseGEEK. Ed. O. Wallace. N. p. , 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. â€Å"Gladys Aylward’s Long Road to China. †Christianity. com. Salem Web Network, 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Mao, J. â€Å"Foot Binding: Beauty and Torture. †The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 1. 2 (2007). Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Schiavenza, Matt. â€Å"The Peculiar History of Foot Binding in China. †The Atlantic. N. p. , 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
AP Language Rhetorical Analysis
AP Language Rhetorical Analysis In Jennifer Price’s critical essay, â€Å"The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History,†she assesses the irony in the popularity of the iconic plastic flamingo in American culture in the 1950s. Price illustrates her irony and negative attitude towards the way Americans destroy the lives of the flamingo and replaced it with an obnoxious, inanimate, over celebrated Floridian souvenir with adverse diction juxtaposed with positive word choice and through factual history of early symbols of the flamingo to show the superficiality of Americans post WWII[a].In her essay[b], Price assesses the irony of the â€Å"pizzazz†and â€Å"boldness†the flamboyant lawn ornaments bring even though the flamingo has been hunted to almost complete extinction by Americans in Florida. The materialistic ways and egos of Americans shone with pride as the fad of the replicas of flamingos rose with the superficiality of the American mind. Saying this with a sardonic attitude, the comical impression she portrays is intertwined within the lines of her factual information of the flamingo’s history.The trend seemingly innocent to the peo[c]ple with these beautiful, shiny, hard creatures sitting in front of their trailer they call home are blind to realize the preeminent meaning of the flamingo to others, as p[d]rice reveals, â€Å"Early Christians associated it with the red phoenix. In ancient Egypt, it symbolized the sun god Ra. In Mexico and the Caribbean, it remains as a major motifs in art, dance, and literature.†Price expresses that not only did the flamingo hold religious symbols, it continues to embody the arts for other cultures. She shows Americans fail to see the history and true symbolism of the flamingo behind the egocentrism and â€Å"sassy pink hue†the plastic flamingo seems to bring. Price uses contrasting diction to bring out the negatives seen with the American symbolism of the vivacious color the plastic flamingo brings[e].First starting out as simply hot pink, Price illustrates that Americans were living by â€Å"the bigger, the better†rule; one shade of pink is not enough to represent the American boldness in the â€Å"nifty fifties. †Along came â€Å"broiling magenta, livid pink, and methyl green. †Broiling, livid, and methyl all having a negative connotation paired with these vibrant colors all directly translated to boldness, showing the irony Price expresses of the demolishing of flamingos habitats, but Americans taking pride in the fact that we can just replicate these small creatures.The recreation becoming such a popular trend, instead of having to take a week long trip to a subtropical area to obtain this plastic prize, the pizzazz became more achievable as it moved into our everyday lives with all shades of pink being slapped on our cars and kitchen decor leaving the Americans with more of an ignorance than they previously had. Priceâ €™s purpose is more to poke fun at the culture to the point of making a mockery of such foolishness.Price seems to express a negative and sardonic attitude towards American ignorance and irrationality of their thinking. Price writing with overall adverse juxtaposed diction she mocks the Americans, yet they fail to see the flamingos role in art and literature. We drive them to the point of almost being completely non existent. But no matter, our replicas will take their place[f].
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Greenfield vs Brownfield Sites for Housing Development
Greenfield vs Brownfield Sites for Housing Development A Brownfield site is land which has been developed previously and is or has been occupied by a permanent structure. It may be in an urban or rural setting. It does not include agricultural land, forest or parks. Whereas a Greenfield site is Land which has not been occupied by a permanent structure. It usually applies to land in the countryside but can be undeveloped land within an urban setting. Both of these sites can be ideal for the development of new housing but both also have benefits and drawbacks to doing so. Firstly redeveloping Brownfield sites eases pressure on Greenfield sites and is more sustainable. Although Greenfield sites are often on the edge of towns and cities and may have better access, have less congestion, be in a more pleasant environment and have more space and room to expand. Redeveloping a Brownfield site would cause House prices to increase in inner city areas as people are encouraged back to the area. This is a benefit for people already living there but, this might mean that other people cannot afford the houses, and the council will have to provide for them which may cause problems. Basic Infrastructure already exists in Brownfield sites but in Greenfield sites new drainage, electricity, roads etc. would all have to be produced deeming them more expensive. Although Light industry and Science Parks favour out of town locations on Greenfield sites opposed to Brownfield sites and crucially so do their workers who are happier to live away from urban areas. New sites are easier to build on as remains of previous land use do not need to be cleared making them more attractive to retail parks, housing developers etc. But using Greenfield sites is not sustainable as there is too much pressure on the rural-urban fringe therefore making the development of Brownfield sites a better option. There is an issue of contamination and making sites safe for development, given what the land may have been used for before but towns and cities do not want their areas to decay and redeveloping these areas results in more people coming to the area. This helps local businesses as more people means more customers. Building on Greenfield sites on the other hand pulls people out of the towns and cities causing shops etc. aving to re locate on the edge of and towns and cities. In conclusion I feel looking at the benefits and drawbacks of using Brownfield and Greenfield sites for housing redevelopment it would be most beneficial to use Brownfield sites firstly because it is the more sustainable option also the basic infrastructure already exists as well as there being public transport links already in place in many area s. Also it is would help develop areas which may be suffering and increase house prices within that area, making them more wealthy and hopefully lowering crime rates etc.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Seven pounds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Seven pounds - Essay Example Tim Thomas, the main character of the film performed by Will Smith, suffers from a crash accident and kills seven people. Tim wants to save the lives of seven people. He donates his organs to other people. This is unusual type of films challenges the contemporaries with an interesting way of plot’s interpretation. The essence of the film In the last episode Tim wants to help Connie Tepos (Elpidia Carrillo) and saves her life and the lives of her two children. The last two people, saved by Tim, are Ezra Turner (Woody Harrelson) and a blind meat salesman playing the piano. The last donation is made for Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson), when Tim wants to donate a heart for her. Finally, he starts falling in love with this girl. A story of their feelings is impressive and the audience has a perfect opportunity to think about the essential and basic feelings of every individual–love and intimacy. There is no doubt that these guys would have perfect relations, but Tim’s sins do not let him go and his conscience and mind gain power over his emotions and feelings. Therefore, this film is not only about physical pain, but also about emotional and psychological sufferings. There is much darkness and depression in this film, but there is no doubt that there are much spiritual issues in this film. ... Moral values are substituted by monetary and financial concerns. The main character of Will Smith is described in the following way: â€Å"His breeziness becomes a shallow act, and his smile becomes downright eerie, a strained mask that hides pain, wards off hostility and expresses aggression all at the same time. It's a smile with dead eyes†(LaSalle, 2008). Nevertheless, a feeling of love reincarnate his dead eyes and he is able to be inspired by one of the greatest feelings of the world. There is much romanticism in this film, as well as there is much drama. This film is for different tastes and the audience thankfully follows the development of the events in the film. Will Smith persuades the viewers that the most precious thing in the world is life. He made people lose their lives, but in the result of this horrible accident he did not suffer from having lost his own life. He compensated his debt in the face of God and he is strong enough and a rather responsible perso n to show that he is emotionally stable and spiritually strong person. The actions of Tim are reviewed in the following way: â€Å"But all the narrative trickery and emotional manipulation only serves to put Ben further out of the audience's reach, as he moves through the plot like a single-minded Terminator without motivations we can grasp†(Critical Analysis of Seven Pounds). On the one hand, the main character of the film is self-concentrated and a reserved person, but on the other hand, he is a connecting link between different aspects of the film’s world. Sentimental performance of Will Smith is both dramatic and philosophic. The audience is puzzled by the ability to wonder about the real essence and the central plot of the film (Film review – Seven Pounds 2008). A perfect
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Discuss the ways in which globalisation has changed work patterns and Essay
Discuss the ways in which globalisation has changed work patterns and labour structures - Essay Example The recent discussions on globalization involve the arguments on its existence, the importance given to it today as compared to the past, the change in the concept of nation and citizenship because of globalization, the importance of globalization as against regionalism and localism. In addition a crucial debate is continuously rising on weighing the positive and negative impacts of globalization and exploring the people who are directly or indirectly influenced by the changes brought in by this concept. Globalization is a comprehensive and broad topic and covers a huge list of important issues including economic, social, political, cultural, religious and moral etc. The definition of globalization is also defined in the light of all these perspectives. As it is defined by James Rosenau, a political scientist, as "a label that is presently in vogue to account for peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies that are decreasingly confined to a particular geograph ic space and its local and established practices" (1997, p.360). Most of the researchers bordered their research on the economic impacts of globalization. ... The microeconomic effects refer to the technological advancements and the impact at individual firm levels, whereas, the macroeconomic effects involve the collaborative analysis of markets for business purposes (Oman, 1994). Pros and Cons of Globalization All countries experience some positive and some negative influences of more and more integration in the world economy. Pros of Globalization The list of positive aspects of globalization includes the excess availability of external finance. This excess amount of finance is helpful especially for the developing countries. The excess availability of excess finance from external sources is evidenced by the IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook and World Bank, Global Development Finance, 1999. For instance the increase in capital flows is observed in the East Asia Pacific from 15.8 in 1980 to 36.3 in 1997. Similarly, an increasing trend of capital flows has been observed in Eastern Europe and Latin America. The percentages of this increase varied from region to region. The availability of external finance helped in releasing the constraints on foreign exchange that reduced and somehow suppressed growth and development in 1980s. The availability of foreign direct investments that were included in the new funds cannot be ignored. The concept of foreign direct investments is encouraged by the governments of the developing states. Foreign Direct Investments are encouraged because they improve the capital accumulation process and help the country develop with a faster pace in the present and thereby, affirm its success and prosperity on economic grounds in the upcoming years. Globalization does not only provide direct advantages to the countries influenced by it but
Database Systems Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Database Systems Concepts - Essay Example One more register, known as program counter register, consists of the address for the next instruction to be processed or executed. The stack pointer register is associated with an automated program stack that is located in the address space. Moreover, it can increase its size to the amount of memory available in the system. Generally, the stack point is triggered by the initial instructions of an application program. The stack representing the data structure increases downwards from high memory to low memory. The central processing unit consists of many types of registers. General Purpose Registers are utilized for complex arithmetic calculations. A typical 8086 CPU is associated with 8 general purpose registers which are as follows: AX - the accumulator register are separated into AH / AL. They produce shortest machine code and supports arithmetic logic and data transfer. One of the numbers must indicate AL or AX. They also support multiplication and division, inputs and outputs. à ¢â‚¬ËœBX’ the base address register is separated into ‘BH / BL’ and ‘CX’ count register is separated into ‘CH / CL’. The segmentation of iterative code is conducted by the loop instruction. Moreover, the REP command executes monotonous operations on a string. Furthermore, it helps the counts of bits to transfer and revolve. ‘DX’ the data register is separated into ‘DH / DL’. ‘DX: AX’ concatenated into 32-bit register for some MUL and DIV operations. It specifies ports for enter and exit operations. The ‘SI’ source index register is utilized for indicating the data address. Likewise, it is used as a source in some instructions related to strings. The addresses containing offsets are relative to DS. The ‘DI’ destination index register is utilized for data addressing indication. In some instructions related to strings, it is also used as destination. The addresses contai ning offsets are relative to ES. The’ BP’ base pointer register is primarily used for accessing parameters that are passed through the stack (8086 registers). The addresses containing offsets are relative to SS. The stack pointer register always indicates to the item available on the top of the stack. The addresses containing offsets are relative to SS. It also indicates to word and an empty stack may have ‘SP = FFFEh’ value. Special purpose Accessible Application registers are combined with eight 4-bit registers for holding the status of the previous instruction. Segment Registers are divided in two parts in typical ‘x86’ architecture, named as segment and an offset. Segment registers are utilized to store segment values. The ‘CS’ indicates the segment including the current program. ‘DS’ indicates at segment including variables are. ‘ES’ extra segment register indicates its usage. SS register indicate s the segment enclosing the stack. Special Kernel Mode Registers enables the execution of a user within the kernel space (8086 registers). The significant advantage of this procedure is valuable because it is an efficient mechanism for distribution of code and data. For instance, memory can contain only one copy of an editor or a compiler. Editor is a program that can be compared with the word processor. Although, the main purpose of the editor is to amend the source code. The source code is defined as â€Å"Every computer program is written in a programming language,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Change of Female's Role in the Society Essay
The Change of Female's Role in the Society - Essay Example Whatever the exact cause, women are assuming more roles in society. The traditional woman limited herself to household chores and nurturing children. The other role involved supporting her husband emotionally to ensure he succeeded in his projects. The males took care of more tasking responsibilities. Men provided families with basic needs and ensured security to their families. Boys learnt the responsibilities expected of them at a tender age. Society also instilled girls with values that made them better nurturers. According to Makow, the traditional woman assumed the passive role in a family. However, times have changed and the female role in the family, workplace, and society has changed. The modern female does not rely completely on the man for provision of basic needs and security, while she submits passively. Contrary to the traditional females, the modern woman seeks to have a voice in making family decisions. Although still a nurturer, she takes other responsibilities and de mands equal treatment from her husband. Women realize the need for shared responsibilities in times when most economies of the world are declining. In many societies, there is rising pressure to live comfortable lives and give children quality upbringing. In such societies, a man cannot fulfill such responsibilities singlehandedly. In a society that promotes equal education opportunities for all children regardless of being male or female, women cannot sit idle with their skills. Therefore, they seek job opportunities as their male counterparts. Therefore, women contribute to family progress financially. However, critics argue that this contribution comes at the price of neglecting their responsibility as nurturers. According to Walravens, the modern woman tries to strike a healthy balance between motherhood and career (2011:2). Some societies do not believe that a woman can run both, effectively. However, the era for working women is here and society should appreciate their contrib ution. The modern female competes for senior positions in the workplace. She is more confident and is ready to take up the challenging responsibility, traditionally reserved for men. The modern female has to rise over any inferiority and vie for leadership positions. According to a study in the United Kingdom, women have better qualities that would transform the leadership systems today (Hudson R&D, 2008:3). Women of the c-level proved to be better leaders; they displayed competitive decision-making, strategic planning and critical thinking and were result-oriented, just like men. Due to their ability to consider more typically female characteristics involving altruism and openness, they scored higher in leadership. Data like this should help society realize that women maybe the transformational leaders, society urgently needs. Women pursue any career of their interest and are proving efficient in their jobs. The female is more assertive in the society today. Women are more vocal in demanding equal treatment in society. The modern woman wants society to realize that time has proved tradition wrong and that she is not inferior to man. Society should accord females more respect and appreciation for the sacrifices they make to make families a success while they are pursuing demanding careers. More women engage in politics and demand equal representation in governments. The law provides for equal representation for women in parliaments. A good number of women today hold
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Being Assertive instead of Being Aggressive at Work, Being Proactive Essay - 1
Being Assertive instead of Being Aggressive at Work, Being Proactive in Your Career, How to Build Successful Work Teams, andNew Technology in the Workplace - Essay Example When going for a career start, it is important to understand the present day workplace. The 21st century workplace is diverse in terms of culture, race and gender; it is global. Employees must be prepared to deal with people from any part of the world confidently and without bias. One should enter a career with a positive attitude towards team work. Organizational success depends on team work and communication is the key to a good team spirit development. Career development in the world of new technology depends on one’s ability to adapt to the new technology. All individuals preparing for any career should keep the above points in mind in order to become successful professionals. Work place environment greatly affects the well being, health, productivity and motivation to work in the employees (Jones, 2001). Work place environment is a factor of the behavior of employees therefore it is up to them to maintain a healthy workplace environment. According to (Scott & Judge, 2006), the personal traits and the affective states experiences by people in organizational setups determine the quality of work place atmosphere. To play their role in contributing towards a healthy work place environment, one should enter any career after being well prepared to deal with the challenges of a work place (Jones. 2001). Self mastery, conquering control on persona; traits via personal and independent victories of self control is basic and very important if one wants to reach the level of interdependence in an organization (Covey, 1989). Assertiveness is the key to respectful survival in work place (Weinberg & Cooper, 2007). Assertiveness is sometimes confused with aggressiveness. In reality, there is a difference between the two. Aggression refers to pushing others to get what one wants, while assertiveness means to stand up for one’s rights, still respecting the
Monday, September 9, 2019
Chief Executive Officers Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Chief Executive Officers Compensation - Essay Example The term human resource management is not new. It has been widely used by scholars and managers to refer to the set of policies designed to maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work4. In the sections that follow, I will attempt each of the questions as requested and there after I will provide a brief conclusion. In economic literature, the significance of information asymmetries, innovation and strategic behaviour has long been recognised. There exists a considerable literature on how incentives affect a variety of management problems and the methodology for analysis of incentive problems most notably the principal agent model (Turner and Muller 2006). CEOs are paid based on the job description given to them and since in America it is often believe that, they are the leaders they want others to emulate. In addition, it always costs more to hire a new person than keep the old one. Osborne, Hyman & Jack (2006:451) substantiate further that an effective human resource policy "is not only to find competent workers but also to motivate and effectively manage them, is recognised as important for the viability of the organisation". They argued th They argued that, problems emanating from conflict of interest are virtually general to all cooperative activities amongst individuals whether or not they occur in a hierarchical fashion as suggested by the principal agent analogy Because principal and agents are utility maximisers, there is every reason to believe that the agent will not always act in the best interest of the principal (Jensen 2003:86). This attempts to draw out contractual problems that can arise as a result of agents acting opportunistically when their interest departs from those of their principal (Jensen 2003). Thus, agency theory provides us with the rational for an effective human resource management policy. Thus, if American CEOs are paid more than their Japanese counterpart, it is just their own way to handle the opportunistic behaviour of the agent. Hyman & Jack stated that Corporations in the States save twice that much every year from an even more outrageous loophole, what executive excess 2008 dubs the "unlimited tax deductibility of executive pay." Top companies can essentially
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