Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Custody of The Pumpkin
Circumstance: Humorous, old lord fixated on a pumpkin with a child who confounds the pumpkin issue with his marriage. Preposterous, has a cheerful goals. Clever part; telescope, chance upon his child wasting time, thinking the felines assaulted the pumpkin, his response when his child reveals to him he's hitched, the nursery circumstance, the way that the pumpkin really won.Characters All of them are funny,Lord Emsworth-feathery disapproved, unusual interests, abnormal apprehensions, dissatisfaction with his child, propensities to go overboard, inclination to get conveyed away,tends to state an inappropriate thing at an inappropriate time, he got all that he needed despite the fact that he didn't merit itMcallister-Way he talks is entertaining, scottish temper is utilized as an instrument for humor, very proud,Hon Freddie-Hilarious (storyteller looks at him to a theocritan Shepard), careless, sentimental, his idiosyncrasies are silly, has loads of stupid luck.Only thing amusing about Niagra is her name.Dialogue-Idiocy, Lord Emsworth's is the most clever, Angus is amusing a result of his intonation and the disarray it makes, Freddie's exchange is brimming with slang to make him sound saucy. Discourse further articulates the characters. Portrayal is exceptionally entertaining, continually ridiculing the characters, inconspicuous indications.Images-The picture with the panther is clever, investigating the telescope, Lord Emsworth standing solidified, getting some answers concerning his child's marriage, Mcallister's base. Pictures are utilized to make humor.Tone-Humorous, light-hearted.Language-Funny allegories and similes.Irony: â€Å"Hon. Freddy†, freddy gets this astounding, the spouse is more extravagant than Emsworth,Sarcasm: Narration done in third individual omniscient, towards the endThemes-Luck, Aristocracy, materiality, parent/kid relationship, class differentiations
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
What are the Advantages of using SAS software
What are the Advantages of using SAS software Hello there, here you get to know about the advantages of SAS software, in addition, you will learn, what is SAS Software and about its Types. SAS Software Summary SAS SoftwareTypes Of SAS SoftwareSAS for WindowsSAS Enterprise Miner (EM)SAS STAT SoftwareSAS Enterprise Guide (EG)Advantages of using SAS softwareData FilesData AnalysisFourth generation language Statistical analysis software NetworkFormattingSAS SolutionsFlexibleCareerSummary The SAS stands for Statistical Analysis Software. It developed by Anthony James Barr at North Carolina State University in the year 1960. Besides, SAS software used for data management, business intelligence, predictive analysis, descriptive and precipitous analysis, etc. From that day, many new statistical techniques and parts introduced in the software. Statistical Analysis Software is an independent platform, which means that you can run SAS on Linux or Windows operating system. However, it is using by SAS programmer, which uses several operational sequences on the SAS dataset to create the appropriate reports for data analysis. Types Of SAS Software There are mainly four types of Statistical Analysis Software. SAS for Windows Large companies and training institutions prefer to use SAS Windows. Besides, there are many utilities in SAS Windows that help to reduce the time need to write code. SAS Enterprise Miner (EM) It is a progressed analytics data mining tool that aims to help users develop descriptive and predictive models through the data mining process. SAS STAT Software SAS STAT software is in use exclusively for statistical processes. Likewise Bussiness intelligence, predictive analysis, descriptive and precipitous analysis, etc. SAS Enterprise Guide (EG) SAS Enterprise Guide (EG) has a more GUI-like IDE with magicians to help write code for various processes. In contrast, EG helps novices with unfamiliar processes and removes some problems for experienced programmers. Advantages of using SAS software There are several advantages of Statistical Analysis Software: Data Files Statistical analysis software can read data files created by statistical packages. Moreover, SAS allows SPS, Minitab, Excel, Stata, and other data files to include directly in the SAS program or through file conversion software. Along with these lines, for experienced users of these statistical packages. SAS is not at risk because it is possible to convert the data files created by its packages to the SAS file format. Data Analysis Statistical Analysis Software is adaptable and incredible in data analysis to meet your needs. SAS is versatile, with different types of input and output formats. Besides there are several procedures for descriptive, estimative and forecast type of statistical analysis. Fourth generation language The major advantage of learning Statistical Analysis Software is that it is the fourth generation language. In addition, SAS provides an easy way to use a GUI and many applications. It depends on the script or program written by the user who processes when requested to know what to do. It works with large data and builds graphs. Statistical analysis software Network SAS users have a worldwide electronic network, which is easy to use. In addition, its assets are accessible readily available, and you can easily connect with many SAS specialists who intentionally and willfully share their SAS knowledge on the web. Formatting SAS will not omit the data formats you already master or manage. These formats include people produced and supported by database programming, for example, Oracle, DB2. SAS Solutions SAS solutions have been built on a proven knowledge design which is open and versatile, permitting the consistent combination of procedures and stages. Flexible Statistical analysis software keeps itself updated with the most recent technology. Therefore, the SAS can be easy to integrate and it upgrades its usability and adaptability as it can be easily coordinated with multiple technologies. Career For the future aspect, SAS has a vast scope. Whenever you search for SAS Jobs. Your search is sure to turn over several current job listings, which require a variety of SAS expertise. In contrast, as SAS rises as an important research data analysis tool, it is popular in the market. Each organization is exploring SAS assets. Summary It was all about the types and benefits of SAS software. Usually, we use Windows SAS in associations similar to the SAS Institute for training. Many Part of the organizations that Linux users still have no GUI So, you need to write code for each query. But Windows SAS has a lot of utilities available that help programmers and reduce the time to write code. If you are a student and reading SAS in your subjects and you need Help so contact us. Here we provide the best SAS programming assignment help and homework help at very low prices. We have a team of experts who provide the best assignment to you. Furthermore, you can contact us through Live Chat on our website or social media. Our team of experts is available 24/7 for your help.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Mending Wall - 1273 Words
What is so important about mending a wall? Robert frost a down to earth, phenomenon has used his supernatural skills to write a poem which may seem to be a simple, ordinary poem, yet what lays hidden behind the veils may be unraveled. That is the spiritual world that you and me may learn to understand the philosophical basis of human nature that provokes the human revolution. Believe it or not this poem was ingeniously devised by Robert Frost to articulately open up a world of ideas that acumen imagination and its complexities. That is what I will be elaborating on in terms of textual evidence. Like many of Frost’s poems, ‘mending wall’ involves a journey. We are introduced to two farmers in an annual meeting at the wall that separates†¦show more content†¦Like tree felling, sheep shearing and crop-harvesting. It is a ritual which has it’s own paradox, it causes two neighbors to cooperate so that the wall which separate them to be sustained. It divides even their energies at this moment as they keep the wall between them as they walk its line. The definition of the ritual in strong symbolic terms is a statement of humankind’s determination to hang on to all that divides it. Furthermore in this stanza they fix the wall in springtime, after wintertime, when the ‘frozen-ground-swell’ has done its work of destruction. Frost feels a sense of mischief, an urge to question deep rooted and unreasoned attitudes. So he questions his neighbour’s motto: why do good fences make good neighbours? He uses the most elementary of examples: if you had cows you would of course want to wall them in and stop them from roaming into others’ properties. But he points out the obvious, simple truth, in the most simple of language: ‘But here there are no cows.’ Surely, such a persuasive argument must make his neighbour rethink his preoccupation that you need walls between you to make good neighbours. Frost questions the reasons for the wall being built in the first place. He sees a couple of reasons for building a wall: if there is something you need to keep in or out, build a wall; if some trouble can result from open spaces, build a wall. Otherwise why have one? He climaxes his argument byShow MoreRelatedFrosts Mending Wall Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frosts Mending Wall represents two opposing ideas through its dialogue between two neighbors. The narrator represents a newer way of thinking while his neighbor embodies an older mindset. In the poem the two neighbors are repairing a wall or fence that separates their property line. Although neither of the two men has anything that could cross the fence, the young man has apple trees and the old farmer has pines. The wall has been broken down by the winter that sends the frozen ground swellRead MoreEssay on Mending Wall2143 Words  | 9 PagesMending Wall by Robert Frost is a poem in which the characteristics of vocab ulary, rhythm and other aspects of poetic technique combine in a fashion that articulates, in detail, the experience and the opposing convictions that the poem describes and discusses. The ordinariness of the rural activity is presented in specific description, and as so often is found in Frosts poems, the unprepossessing undertaking has much larger implications. Yet his consideration of these does not disturb the qualitiesRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Mending Wall by Robert Frost2085 Words  | 9 PagesAnalysis of Mending Wall by Robert Frost Robert Frost was inspired to write Mending Wall after talking with one of his farming friend Napoleon Guay. He learned from talking with his neighbor that writing in the tones of real life is an important factor in his poetic form (Liu,Tam). Henry David Thoreau once stated that, â€Å"A true account of the actual is the purest poetry.†Another factor that might have played a role in inspiring Frost to write this poem was his experience of living on a farmRead More the mending wall Essay557 Words  | 3 Pages ANALYSIS #2: THE MENDING WALL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the poem, â€Å"The Mending Wall†Frost creates a lot of ambiguity in order to leave the poem open for interpretation. Frost’s description of every detail in this poem is very interesting, it leaves the reader to decide for themselves what deductions they are to be making of the poem. To begin with, Frost makes literal implications about what the two men are doing. For instance, they are physically putting theRead More Mending Wall Essay726 Words  | 3 Pages In â€Å"Mending Wall†, Robert Frost made us aware that something doesn’t love the wall in the beginning of the poem, the wall that symbolizes boundary and obstacle between people. Although this restrictive wall gives protection and a feeling of safety for the people who are inside it, it also creates a huge barrier to the people who are on the outside. The only difference between a physical wall and an imaginary barrier is that a physical wall will eventually fall apart as time goes by, but the emotionalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Mending Wall 821 Words  | 4 PagesFenil Patel Composition II Prof: Jon Anderson September 19, 201 â€Å"Mending Wall†a poem by Robert Frost seems to take place in countryside estate. Main theme in the poem is, whether the wall is necessary to have the good relation between neighbors. Narrator seems to think the wall is not so necessary as it separates him and his neighbor. However, he does find talking to his neighbor about the wall. but does provide a sense of privacy which is not bad. Frost is separating habit and and traditionRead More Working Together in Robert Frosts Mending Wall Essay869 Words  | 4 PagesWorking Together in Robert Frosts Mending Wall The air is cool and crisp. Roosters can be heard welcoming the sun to a new day and a woman is seen, wearing a clean colorful wrap about her body and head, her shadow casting a lone silhouette on the stone wall. The woman leans over to slide a piece of paper into one of the cracks, hoping her prayer will be heard in this city of Jerusalem. Millions are inserting their prayers into the walls of Japanese temples, while an inmate in one of aRead MoreWalls Placed on Relationships in Mending Wall by Robert Frost844 Words  | 4 PagesWalls Placed on Relationships in Mending Wall by Robert Frost In the poem Mending Wall, Robert Frost utilizes the literary devices of imagery, meter, and symbolism to demonstrate the rational and irrational boundaries or metaphoric walls humans place on their relationships with others. The precise images, such as the depiction of the mending-time ritual and the dynamic description of his old-stone savage armed neighbor, serve to enhance our enjoyment as well as our understandingRead MoreThe Mending Wall by Robert Frost Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesThe Mending Wall by Robert Frost Robert Frost was not just a writer. Frost was, more importantly, an American writer whose works epitomized the Modernist literary movement, and in turn represented the mood and minds of a nation. Frost remains emblematic of a specific time in our country. Through the words of the poet, readers of his day could see a real-time reflection of themselves - visible in Frosts verses were the hopes and apprehensions that marked the first half of the twentieth- Read More Mending Wall by Robert Frost Essay2093 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Mending Wall†by Robert Frost      â€Å"Mending Wall†by Robert Frost is a poem in which the characteristics of vocabulary, rhythm and other aspects of poetic technique combine in a fashion that articulates, in detail, the experience and the opposing convictions that the poem describes and discusses. The ordinariness of the rural activity is presented in specific description, and as so often is found in Frost’s poems, the unprepossessing undertaking has much larger implications. Yet his consideration
Background Screening and the Fair Credit Reporting Act Free Essays
Recent incidents with domestic and international significance have compelled employers to give more weight and attention to the practice of conducting background checks not only on job applicants but on their current employees as well. Some of these events prodded employers to resort to background screening on their own initiatives while others had been the subject of state and federal requirements. One of the most noteworthy events were the 9/11 terrorist attacks which have made employers more security conscious, leading them to subject the backgrounds of both their prospective and present workers to more rigorous examination. We will write a custom essay sample on Background Screening and the Fair Credit Reporting Act or any similar topic only for you Order Now A recorded increase in lawsuits filed against employers involving all sorts of negligence in the hiring of employees, on the other hand, caused employers to stop hiring applicants based solely on their instincts about human nature. Corporate frauds and scandals similar to the Enron case of 2002 had also impelled employers to scrutinize both the private and professional lives of the members of their upper management teams such as â€Å"corporate executives, officers, and directors†in efforts aimed at preventing financial losses. Newspaper reports claiming that as high as 40% of job applicants in the country have been submitting fabricated resumes and false information have similarly alerted employers into ascertaining the backgrounds of people approaching them for employment (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). A heightened interest on background checking also resulted from the observed rise in cases involving abductions and abuse of children, older people, and persons with disabilities. This resulted to majority of the states requiring employers to conduct â€Å"criminal background checks for anyone who works with children, the elderly, or disabled. †In fact the database of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now accessible to state officials under the authority of the National Child Protection Act primarily for this purpose (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Employers conduct background checks under the authority of the â€Å"Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA),†a federal law. Although background checks are not a requirement under the FCRA, employers nevertheless do so in order to comply with the standards set by the national government concerning screening of employees. These national standards are established by the FCRA. Under the FCRA, external organizations should undertake the investigation into the backgrounds of applicants or employees and include the same in a â€Å"consumer report. †Employers are not allowed to apply the provisions of the FCRA to checks which they themselves have done (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Examples of information and/or records that could be obtained or accessed through a background check are: â€Å"criminal convictions, driving records, social security number, property ownership, past employees, vehicle registration, character references, personal references, credit records, court records, neighbor interviews, state licensing records, incarceration records, workers’ compensation, drug test records, sex offender lists, educational records, military service records, dental records, and bankruptcies within the preceding ten years. †The following information could likewise be available to a check conducted under the FCRA as long as the investigation should cover only the preceding seven years: â€Å"civil suits, civil judgments, paid tax liens, and accounts placed for collection†(Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Under the provisions of the FCRA, before an employer could have a background check conducted, the written consent of the applicant should first be obtained. If after reading the report the employer decides to take an â€Å"adverse action†i. e. he/she decides not to hire the applicant, terminate an employee, rescind an offer of a job, or refuse to promote an employee, he/she is required to provide the applicant or employee with a notice or a â€Å"pre-adverse action disclosure†together with a copy of the result of the background check. After undertaking the â€Å"adverse action,†the name and address of the screening entity should be provided to the applicant or employee in an â€Å"adverse action notice†together with an advice that he/she â€Å"has the right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any of the information in the report†(Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Reference Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Employment Background Checks: A Jobseeker’s Guide. July 2007. 23 September 2007 http://www. privacyrights. org/fs/fs16-bck. htm How to cite Background Screening and the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
New Moon Review Essay Example
New Moon Review Paper Essay on New Moon I read the third book of Mrs. Meyer and I can not get rid of the obsession that her works resemble the picture painted with watercolors, where the foreground of the two main characters are placed, Bella and Edward, and nestled next to Jacob. In the background is the plan of this wonderful picture painted all at once. Until only trouble has happened to them. Draw something they have begun, but further schematic outline did not. Color (but not the shape) found only three main characters, or rather two, and Jacob. But they are some kind of flat, expressionless. However, the picture is already enclosed in a frame and is posted on the wall. Look further Of course, you can ask a reasonable question and what, de, a trait you continue to read these books if you have such refined taste And Ill tell you that in any way? taste, I do not have, just grumble quietly. And indeed, belong to the PEOPLE that hawala. frown, but swallow. We will write a custom essay sample on New Moon Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on New Moon Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on New Moon Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And for a refill paws pull =) Or maybe Im a masochist ? Or at me as valid the approach of spring? Want love, romance, balloons, ryushechek, vampires, werewolves (especially werewolves) and stupid devchushechek More, of course, I want suffering. Thats why the line Jacob Bella I am particularly excited. His torments of love, coupled with the sad eyes, the enormous growth, strength, beautiful telom..chto something I was distracted. So, all these qualities it makes the heart beat faster and your eyes to read further. But thats just a rumor Human cruel, and have denounced the wedding with Edward, and Children (from him), and the exploits of Bellas. Its boring
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
An Analysis of Queen Elizabeths Speech to Englands Troops
An Analysis of Queen Elizabeths Speech to Englands Troops Throughout history, speeches have been used as effective means for expressing yourself to the masses. Leaders on all levels have come to appreciate the fact that a well crafted speech can be a powerful agent when trying to evoke particular sentiments in people. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis of Queen Elizabeths Speech to Englands Troops specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Queen Elizabeth I of England proved to be a powerful and compelling orator in her speech to her troops as they prepared to take up arms against the Spanish Armada in 1588. In this paper, I shall review her speech with the aim of deducing the main arguments that the queen advanced. Her feelings towards her audience shall be inferred based on her words. The queens ideas and beliefs will also be highlighted from the contents of the speech. This speech is addressed to the English troops at the battle field. The queen understands the sacrific e that the troops are about to make for their country and for this she proclaims them noble and worthy subjects. The apparent reason for the queens speech is to motivate her troops in the face of the imminent conflict with the Spaniards. The queen aims to convince the troops that their fight is for a worthy cause and that their noble action of defending their country will not go unnoticed by the queen and the people of England. The queen empathizes with the soldiers and concedes that despite there being lives lost in the heat of the battle, England will be safe. The battle that England faces is against Spain, an equally matched opponent at that point in time. The queen asserts that while some may view surrendering to Spain as the safe means, this would be equivalent to treachery to the motherland. By making such a strong declaration, the queen aims to appeal to the patriotism of the soldiers. She further states that she is also ready and willing to die in battle for the kingdom of England together with her soldiers should she be called upon to do so. From Elizabeths words, we can tell with certainty that she is a patriot at heart and the honor of her country is of great importance to her. It is this same values that she intends to impart onto the soldiers for it is on them that the fate of England will lie. Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is also apparent that Elizabeth believes that her countrys troops are not only a match for the Spaniards but that they have the capability of conquering the Spanish forces in battle. With this conviction, she predicts a short lived confrontation in which England emerges victorious. The speech suggests that there exists some religious animosity between the two warring nations. One can deduce from the reference to the Spanish forces by the queen as enemies of my God that there were religious undertones that surrounde d the conflict. Bearing in mind that the Spanish people were the leading Catholic power while England had embraced the Protestant sect, it is evident that the two facets of the Christian religion were at loggerheads. The light in which women were viewed during this period in history can also be learnt from this speech. The queen contends that she has but the body of a weak and feeble woman. This indicates that the women in England were viewed as weak people who needed protecting. Her declaration that she is willing to take up a sword and fight for the country is as a last resort; that is if her nation should be invaded. The queen is certain that her troops would not let the situation degenerate to such an extent. This paper set out to analyze the speech by Queen Elizabeth so as to discover the various ideas advanced through the speech. It has been identified that this speech was mainly aimed at motivating Englands troops before they faced the Spanish forces in battle. However, the a nalysis provided in this paper demonstrates that religious differences also played a part in the conflict between Spain and England.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Definition and Examples of Sentence Case
Definition and Examples of Sentence Case Sentence case is the conventional way of using capital letters in a sentence or capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns. In most newspapers in the U.S. and in virtually all publications in the U.K., sentence case, also known as down style and reference style, is the standard form for headlines. Examples and Observations The 100-year-old scientist who pushed the FDA to ban artificial trans fat.Barack Obama flies to thank troops who killed Bin Laden.FBI investigating Cardinals alleged hacking of Astros computer system.AP Style: HeadlinesOnly the first word and proper nouns are capitalized...APA Style: Sentence Style in Reference ListsIn titles of books and articles in reference lists, capitalize only the first word, the first word after a colon or em dash, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the second word of a hyphenated compound.Librarians and bibliographers work with minimal capitals [i.e., sentence case], . . . yet [other options] are well established in literary tradition. For many people theres virtue in using [sentence case] in lists and bibliographies, but using one of the other options for titles quoted in the course of a written discussion.In major companies, the problem of consistency may be largely unreconcilable. The public relations department has to use a down style because it is writi ng for newspapers, but department heads insist on capitalizing the names of titles and departments... Sources The Washington Post, June 16, 2015The Guardian [U.K.], May 7, 2011Democrat and Chronicle [Rochester, N.Y.], June 16, 2015The Associated Press Stylebook: 2013, edited by Darrell Christian, Sally Jacobsen, and David Minthorn. The Associated Press, 2013(Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. American Psychological Association, 2010Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage. Cambridge University Press, 2004Donald Bush and Charles P. Campbell, How to Edit Technical Documents. Oryx Press, 1995
Friday, February 14, 2020
Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Observation - Essay Example However, there are means and ways put in place to aid in teaching this group of students. This paper is going to address the education of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, physical abilities, health impairments and traumatic brain injury. Moreover; it is going to describe the type of teaching strategies for this group and how to nurture their self esteem and self advocacy skills. Moreover, this paper is going to explain how regular students can be aided into accepting, understanding and respecting their colleagues and how to respond to their needs appropriately. In order to teach special needs student’s teachers need researched, evidence based teaching strategies to be sure of what they are giving to their students. Research and evidence based strategies can be defined as an intervention program that has been researched over and over and has positively yielded consistent results when tested. There are a variety of research evidence based teaching strategies that teachers can use. The first teaching strategy is class wide peer tutoring (Cullinan, 2007). This strategy is meant to teach students who are at different levels with the rest and those who have different needs but are in the same class. Class wide peer tutoring stipulates that after a class lecture by the teacher, the students must then bond together to evaluate and find out if they have all got the information together and in the same manner. Methods here include pairing of students that is regular students are paired with a special needs student, immediate correction of errors; inter class competition and frequent spontaneous tests. This will ensure that the special needs students are at par with the regular students. This method is very effective in math since one method in math is sometimes difficult to understand and group work exposes different methods. The second researched teaching strategy is the Direct Instruction, DI (Cullinan, 2007). This method involves teaching of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Organizational Change - Essay Example Such accusations have considerably affected Wal-Mart’s reputation and consequently the company’s bottom line. Wal-Mart had developed a complex system of distribution, which enables customer’s accessibility to stock items. Wal-Mart’s uses scanners at checkout stations to identify and monitor the sale of each item. This also enables Wal-Mart to monitor its supply chain. Wal-Mart is currently seeking to improve its infrastructure to increase the effectiveness of its supply chain management. It also intends to replace bar codes and security tags with Radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip transponders. The elimination of the need for price checks would improve customer satisfaction and lower costs. This paper will discuss systemic nature of Wal-Mart and the changes the company has taken to improve its effectiveness, processes, and employee productivity. Stalk, Evans and Shulman (1992) observed that Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart imparted the culture of service excellence among Wal-Mart’s employees. Employees are motivated to welcome customers at the entrance. Employees are also permitted to have own shares of the organization. Wal-Mart low-price strategy has enabled the company to strike better deals with core shoppers. This has helped save on the merchandizing and advertising expenses. Wal-Mart gigantic stores provide economies of scale and broader alternatives of merchandising. This underscores Wal-Mart relentless efforts at achieving customer satisfaction. Wal-Mart’s use of machines in decoding encoded information enables its efficiency in supply chain management. The rectangular universal code for goods is a scanning system used by Wal-Mart. Packaged products at Wal-Mart are labeled with bar codes. The checkout stations of sales tend to ring up sales and track inventory deductions simultaneously. All Wal-Mart’s global stores are linked to headquarters through a
Friday, January 24, 2020
Love in the Time of Cholera Essay -- essays research papers
As the title suggests, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera by Garcia Marquez deals with practical and nostalgic love. The author has the ability of portraying excellent determination in his eagerness to develop his stylistic range. Supporting almost a mythical quality grounded with an air of daily gossip, the novel includes descriptions of love which drift between unearthly beauty and terror. Love in the Time of Cholera is a mixture of two contrasting factors: the purity of love, and the way love is personified in everyday life. Love in the Time of Cholera is seen almost as an anatomy of love. The novel's most original descriptions, both in an anatomical and a creative sense, could be compared to the development from seed to flower in the progression of love out of disrespectful neighborhoods of "convenience.'' Most of the meaningless attacks of day to day life, shared by two people who have bonded with each other - all the repulsive smells, undignified tasks and boring routines; all the unspoken bitterness; all the gloomy emphasis on unlived possibilities - are unmercifully described. Love's strength to grow in such dark circumstances, to rise above life's evil forces and still remain slightly unharmed, and to even stay sacred, is perhaps the most expertly portrayed theme in the novel. Just as the superior power of spiritual love may overcome the seriousness of level-headedness, so too it may overwhelm passionate strength, transforming Florentino's nostalgia of love ...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Is Coca Cola the Perfect Business? Essay
A. One of the most important skills to learn in managerial economics is the ability to identify a good business. Discuss at least four characteristics of a good business. Based on the article about Coca-Cola, there are five essential characteristics of a business for it to be considered as a â€Å"Good Business†. First, it should be appealing to both young and old alike. Second, it must have a distinct characteristic which cannot be easily imitated by others. Third, it must already made an impact to the market because it has already earned a large portion of market share. Fourth, profit margin and rates of return should be high. And Lastly, it must have a competitive advantage or economic moat. Appealing to both young and old alike. The product that the company sells / offers can be used or consumed by people of all ages. It must be enjoyed not only by selected markets rather it should be enjoyed by all. Distinct characteristic which cannot be easily imitated by others. The product that the company sells / offers must be unique and exceptional. It must safeguard it’s â€Å"secret ingredients†. So that it cannot be easily imitated by others. Large portion of market share. The product that the company sells / offers is used or consumed by a large portion of the market and must be preferred above other companies who are in the same line of business. A good business must able to deploy a lot of incremental capital at an above average rate of return for a long time. If a business is able to do that, it will in effect be helping its shareholders compound their money at a good rate of return and saving them the trouble of having to invest the extra dividends they would have received if the company didn’t reinvest in its operations. A durable competitive advantage or economic moat is what sets apart the good and great companies from the mediocre and downright lousy companies. A significant competitive advantage allows a company to earn better than average profits or maybe even excellent profits, and protects the company’s profits from competitors that want to get a piece of the action. A strong brand, being the low-cost producer, patents, and having a near monopoly over a certain market are some sources of competitive advantage. B. Identify and talk about at least four companies that you regard as having the characteristics listed here. Apple Company – This popular company is the brain behind gadgets like iPod, iPad, iPhone, and MacBooks. Their products are user-friendly and can easily be used by people both young and old. Also, Apple always sees to it that their products offer unique features which suit the people’s wants and needs enabling the people to patronize their products; thus in return, earning a large portion of market share compared to other competitors. SM Investments Corporation – This is composed group of companies: Retail, Mall Operations, Property, and Banking & Finance. RETAIL – SM is the Philippines’ most dominant player in retail with 193 stores nationwide. Of these, 46 are SM Department Stores; 37 are SM Supermarkets, 76 are SaveMore branches; and 34 are SM Hypermarkets. MALL OPERATIONS – SM is the Philippines’ largest shopping mall developer and operator with 46 malls nationwide. SM Prime also owns 4 malls in China’s second and third-tier cities, namely Xiamen, Jinjiang, Chengdu, and Suzhou. By the end of 2012, SM Prime will have a total of 46 malls in the Philippines and five in China with a combined GFA of 6.3 mn sqm. PROPERTY – SM’s property group is a fast emerging business with interests in residential, commercial, leisure and hotel development.SMDC is rapidly growing with 15 residential projects under its SM Residences and two projects under its M Place brand. BANKING & FINANCE – SM’s bank network is the largest in the Philippines with its 41% interest in BDO Unibank and 20% interest in China Banking Corp. In 2Q 2012, BDO became the country’s largest bank in terms of assets with 744 branches nationwide. Chinabank is the 8th largest with 307 branches nationwide. ABS-CBN – is a major Filipino commercial television network owned and operated by the Filipino media conglomerate ABS-CBN Corporation, a publicly traded company. It is the country’s leading television network with an advertising revenue amounted to 17.5 billion pesos for the fiscal year 2011 San Miguel Corporation – is Southeast Asia’s largest publicly listed food, beverage and packaging company with over 17,000 employees in over 100 major facilities throughout the Asia-Pacific region. San Miguel carries many brand names in the Philippine food and beverage industry, including San Miguel Pale Pilsen, Ginebra San Miguel, Monterey, Magnolia, and Purefoods. San Miguel Beer is one of the largest selling beers and among the top ten selling beer brands in the world. SMC manufacturing operations extend beyond its home market to Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia; and its products are exported to 60 markets around the world. C. Suppose you bought common stock in each of the four companies identifies here. Three years from now, how would you know if your analysis was correct? What would convince you that your analysis was wrong? Supposing I bought common stock in each of the four companies indentified above; three years from now, I would know that my analyses were correct by simply looking back and evaluating if the company still suffice the list of characteristics of a good business. I will be convinced that my analyses were wrong if it will not suffice even just one of the characteristics listed for it to be considered as a â€Å"good business†.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Knowledge and Technology in A Connecticut Yankee in King...
Knowledge and Technology in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is a complicated novel that fundamentally deals with the concept of the human experience. Hank Morgan is a nineteenth century mechanic who is transported back thirteen centuries to medieval Britain, during the time of King Arthur. After his initial shock, he becomes determined to â€Å"civilize†Camelot by introducing modern industrial technology. At an initial look Twain seems to be favoring the industrialized capitalist society that he lives in over the feudal society of medieval Britain. But in a closer examination of the work it becomes clear that this observation is much too simple, as the industrial world that Hank Morgan†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Here I was, a giant among pigmies, a man among children, a master intelligence among moles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Twain 40). Hank forgets his own humanity and begins to believe that his knowledge makes him more of a man, just as the nobility that he shunned believed they were better than the serfs because of the titles they held. Hank Morgan uses his superior knowledge of technology to gain personal power. It soon becomes clear that even though thirteen hundred years have given Hank a technological advantage, they haven’t made him any smarter. Twain himself says of Hank, †¦this Yankee of mine has neither the refinement nor the weakness of a college education; he is a perfect ignoramus; he is boss of a machine shop; he can build a locomotive or a Colt’s revolver, he can put up and run a telegraph line, but he’s an ignoramus, nevertheless. (Guttmann 103) Hank possesses all of this technological knowledge, but fails to understand the implications that this knowledge will have on the people of the Camelot. Instead of educating the general public and teaching them how and why something works instead he sends a select few to his â€Å"man factories†. He uses his knowledge instead to produce fantastic miracles, which although they give him personal power, continue to perpetuate the superstitions of the populace that he is trying to overcome. For example, Hank is asked to fix the well at the Valley of Holiness. He installs a pump that will return the water,Show MoreRelatedFreedom, Religion, And The Aristocracy By Mark Twain1840 Words  | 8 PagesA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is a classic written by Mark Twain in 1889. It is a novel that lives on today as it shows Twain’s use of creativity and humor in a way that allows him to influence his reader’s views. The scene starts with Hank, who wakes up to find himself in the 16th century where he convinces the people he is a magician to escape his death sentence. Mark Twain uses Hank’s experiences and character development in a satirical way to form his opinions. The main mattersRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s A Connecticut Yankee1764 Words  | 8 PagesHow to train your human In 1889 Mark Twain’s publishes A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, which is consider the first science fiction novel. Like most science fiction stories, there is time travel and futuristic technology messing with the past. Hank Morgan is sent into the past after getting knocked unconscious by a man named Hercules with a crowbar. After realizing that he is in the past, he uses his knowledge of an impending solar eclipse to trick the masses into making him the secondRead MoreThe Importance Of Education1067 Words  | 5 PagesEducation may be perceived as just knowledge in a classroom; however, it is a tool that saves society from ignorance. The nineteenth century was a time of industrial reform and educational reform; as agriculture was no longer the family’s primary focus, children were able to attend school to have a better opportunity at life. Mark Twain’s social commentary A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court utilizes the satir e of King Arthur’s people and Hank Morgan’s ironic wisdom to demonstrate that educationRead MoreLife and Works of Mark Twain Essay1634 Words  | 7 Pageswas not bound by environmental limitations. He openly mocked the things, which he considered to be damaging to the society. This is also reflected in â€Å"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court†, where he mocks the Church of justifying social inequality. The Yank is portrayed as a realist or an idealist, who encourages human progress and technology. This also reflects the mindset of Twain, who always opposed the things, which he did not believe in. Background The Greatest American Humorist
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