Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Strategic management - Essay Example These kinds of problem weaken the advantage of public transportation and restrict the development of public transport. The urban travel in Indian cities mainly happens by cycling, walking and public transport. Though in the last two decades there have been huge growth rates of cars and two wheelers by 10 % and 15 % respectively in India, the two wheeler ownership remains at 40 – 50 % and car ownership remains low at 3-13 %. This shows that in India the ownership rate of personalised vehicles are low. The same thing is repeated in Delhi where the contribution margin of urban public transport is low. At present in Delhi per 1000 people only 50 persons have cars and per 1000 people 74 individuals have motorcycles. Government of Delhi implemented a number of bus optimization policies but sadly bus did not become the subject of urban transport (Stock, and Lambert, 2001, p. 211). According to a study conducted by urban development ministry at the Centre, in Delhi the availability of public transport is very low i.e. per 1000 persons it is 0.504. The average waiting time for all 517 Delhi Transport Corporation buses is 70 minutes. The reason for such high waiting time was less frequent bus trips in underdeveloped and sparsely populated areas. According to the report only 2,202 buses out of 6,455 in Delhi are made according to urban bus specifications. The report indicates that on an average DTC rolls out 5,185 buses everyday out of total fleet of 6,088 buses. Besides 120 DMRC feeder buses and 247 private operator buses bring the total number of buses running in the city to 5,552. In Delhi there are total 657 routes which are registered with State Transport Authority. The total route length for all the routes including overlapping and suburban routes comes out to be around 16,200 km. But the suburban routes are very less in number and have very little contribution to the total route length. Hence the road network is very low (Chopra and

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