Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Theme of Religion and Resistance in the Revolts of Nat Turner and Essay

Theme of Religion and Resistance in the Revolts of Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey Denmark Vesey Revolt - Essay Example Many Black slaves who lived in Charleston, South Carolina became aware of the plot. He had planned to murder the slave owners and get hold of the city and sail to Haiti after they rebelled. The revolt was reported to the slave masters by authority prior to its commencement and it was over before it even began. The upraising led to one hundred and thirty black slaves being arrested, sisxty seven people were convicted and other thirty five were hanged. Denmark was finally executed in 1822 after he was accused of plotting a slave rebellion. The Nat Turner rebellion is known as the most major incident of the Black rebellion against slavery in the South. Nat Turner was a black slave himself and he led an upraising in the Virginia, Southampton. A solar eclipse had occurred in February 1831 which Turner saw as the revelation for slave rebellion. Another eclipse occurred in August and Turner considered it as the final revelation. The revolt began in August, 21 when slaves went to each house freeing fellow slaves and murdering all white slave owners and their families whom they encountered. The revolt took two days and by the end about fifty seven white people were killed. Nat turner was arrested by the authorities on October 30, a week after he brought to trial and by November 11, he was executed.

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